The Questionnaire in English :

The survey in English including 29 questions can be downloaded here

The Questionnaire in Turkish:

The survey in Turkish including 29 questions can be downloaded here

The Dataset:

A questionnaire about rhinoplasty surgery have been prepared to receive the replies from the ENT physicians. Totally 132 doctors have been joined to the survey. All the answers can be downloaded here for benchmarking.  Please note that the file is in CSV format. 

Experimental results for narrow scale answers:

The dataset can be downloaded in  csv format here,

Totally 400 experimental results received from Apriori Algorithm in terms of Lift can be downloaded here.

Totally 400 experimental results received from Apriori Algorithm  in terms of Leverange can be downloaded here.

Totally 400 experimental results received from Apriori Algorithm  in terms of Conviction can be downloaded here.

Totally 400 experimental results received from Apriori Algorithm  in terms of Confidence can be downloaded here.

Experimental results for large scale answers:

The dataset can be downloaded in xlsx and csv format here and here respectively. 

The experimental results received from Apriori Algorithm can be downloaded here


If you use it in your study plase cite this study as:


Fuat Bulut (ENT Physician, PhD, Assoc.Prof.)

E-mail: bulutfuat40 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Faruk Bulut (Academician at Computer Engineering, PhD, Assoc.Prof.)

e-mail: bulutfaruk (at) gmail (dot) com

The Extracted Association Rule Patterns in detail from the large-scale dataset

The most valuable rules have been put into the research article. The others are placed here to be examined.

Table-1. Rule Mining over Large-scale dataset

The Extracted Association Rule Patterns in detail from the narrow-scale dataset

Rule-A13: Short-term nasal dorsum edema was reported as the most important issue in interventions on the nasal dorsum.

Rule-A14: Surgeons with a high percentage of patients requiring nasal dorsum interventions, who somewhat agreed that nasal dorsum interventions would change in the next 5 years, reported encountering long-term irregularities in the nasal dorsum.

Rule-A15: 35 surgeons reported encountering irregularities more often when performing more rasping in females requesting a natural nasal dorsum.

Rule-A16: In cases where interventions were made in the nasal dorsum and revision was performed in another center, the revision reason was mostly reported as excessive reduction in the nasal dorsum.

Rule-A17: Surgeons using 100% open technique and performing more rasping reported using crushed cartilage as camouflage grafts.

Rule-A18: Surgeons intervening in the nasal dorsum with a frequency of 80-100% expressed lateral nasal wall asymmetry as their own revisions.

Rule-A19: Surgeons performing 0-5 rhinoplasties per month reported not conducting simulations, encountering irregularities, and performing more rasping.

Rule-A20: Rhinoplasty surgeons indicating asymmetrical nasal bone deformities as the most challenging nasal bone deformity reported encountering more irregularities.

Rule-A21: Patients with more interventions in the nasal dorsum experienced more irregularities in the short and long term.

Rule-A22: In cases where the importance of simulation is not emphasized in the patient group, 100% open technique is applied, and more rasping is performed.

Rule-A23: Rhinoplasty surgeons who somewhat agreed that interventions in the nasal dorsum would change in the next 5 years reported encountering more irregularities in the short and long term.

The interpretations of the emerging patterns are as follows:

Rule-B12: Physicians who exclusively apply an open technique reported intervening in the nasal dorsum in 80-100% of cases.

Rule-B13: Surgeons who reported changes in nasal dorsum interventions since they started performing rhinoplasty frequently reported intervening in the nasal dorsum.

Rule-B14: Surgeons performing 0-10 rhinoplasties per month and frequently intervening in the nasal dorsum used crushed cartilage as a camouflage graft.

Rule-B15: Physicians who do not perform simulations reported using crushed cartilage as a camouflage graft and frequently intervening in the nasal dorsum.

Rule-B16: Surgeons who frequently intervened in the nasal dorsum reported performing more rasping and hump resection, using an entirely open technique, and believing that nasal dorsum interventions could change in the next 5 years.

Rule-B17: Surgeons reporting the long-term problem with the nasal dorsum (0-4) and the revision rate after nasal dorsum intervention (0-6) were reported to be similar, and they reported their own revision rates between 0-30.

Rule-B18: Non-simulation performers reported performing 0-10 rhinoplasties, performing more rasping and hump reduction, and stated that a significant portion of their patients valued simulations.

Rule-B19: Surgeons who do not perform simulations mentioned that their patients highly value simulations, and they expressed that revision rhinoplasties are attributed to nasal dorsum issues within the range of 0-30%.

Rule-B20: Surgeons who do not engage in simulations but frequently intervene in the nasal dorsum expressed that a significant portion of their patients value simulations. They stated that interventions in the nasal dorsum would change in the next 5 years.