Study of Iterative Histogram Equalization (IHE)

Web link of the article is here.

Iterative Histogram Equalization (IHE) Method Details:

IHE is written in the Java Processing environment. The Java Processing codes of the proposed algorithm is here.

 The MATLAB codes of the histogram equalization methods of CLAHE, MMSICHE, BPDFHE, ESIHE, BBHE, DSIHE, NMHE, and LDR-HE is here. Apart from LDR-HE, all the other Histogram Equalization codes are written in MATLAB. 


The KODAK and SCIQ datasets are here. 

All of the experimental results:

The experimental results in Excel format is here.

Claculations of Ececution Time:

The codes for the calculation of the execution time in seconds can be downloaded here

Note that:

You need to download Java Processing for assessments first. Then, you have to install MATLAB on your PC. 

You can also mail me: farukbulut [at sign] arel [dot] edu [dot] tr

The overall experimental results

The results 

for The Sigma=0

The Excel file

All of the experimental results can be examined from this Excel file. below:

The whole Experimental Results (IHE).xlsx