Study of MID Filtering

Web link of the article is here

Related Documents on MID Filter

MID is a special image filtering method proposed the authors Ibrahim Furkan Ince and Faruk Bulut. In some cases, MID's performance defeats the other methods presented in the literature. This study contains MATLAB, Java Processing Codes and Test Datasets in the links below.


MATLAB codes used in the assessments can be downloaded here for examination. 


Additionally, the Java codes implemented in Processing are located here


Original Gray Level QSIC dataset including 30 images are here

Noised RGB and Gray Level images are here including polygon images. 


Filtered images (smoothed) by the methods are here using kernel sizes (masks) of 3, 5, and 7.

Java and MATLAB codes for Polygon images are here

Experimental Results

Experimental results in MS Excel can be viewed here. In this file, all the experimental results for each of the images in the data set can be viewed. The filtering operations are 

run for kernel sizes of 3, 5, and 7. Additionally all the bar-charts is in this file.

Original 30 enhancement test QSIC pictures, the  implemented MATLAB codes that determines the image qualities between the original and generated pictures, Java Processing Codes that generates the test pictures for the proposed model, and the whole test results and related documents can be publicly reachable from these web sites for evaluation. For any question about his study please contact with the authors. Their e-mail addresses are in the manuscript.

For any question, do not hesitate to contact with the writers who have made contributions to this study:

Ibrahim Furkan Ince

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Kyungsung University, Busan – South Korea

[e-mail: furkanince (at) ks (dot) ac (dot) kr]

Faruk Bulut

Faculty of Engineering, Katip Çelebi University, Izmir- Turkey

[e-mail: farukbulut (at) arel (dot) edu (dot) tr]