Atom Group Project

Atom Group Project Sheet

Scoring Rubric for Atom Group Project

Scoring Rubric for Atom Group Project


Atoms are everywhere, but we cannot see them without the help of powerful tools like scanning tunneling microscopes. Since they are so small, how were they discovered? During this webquest, you will learn about the history of the atom and how our concept of the atom has evolved.


In this webquest, you will explore what scientists thought about the atom, how they learned about the atom, and how the concept of the atom has changed over time.


For this project, you will work in groups to research a particular segment of atomic history. There are several suggested websites available for research. It is also permissible to use your text and other media. In your groups, you need to assign a role to each group member.

You will work as a class to research the scientists and experiments that have lead to our current understanding of the atom and its properties. In general, within each group you will research, and report on, the following-

1. Biography: When did this scientist live? What was his or her education and background? How did the views of the scientific community influence their views and work?

2. Discovery: What discovery is this scientist noted for? Thomson and Rutheford are each noted for a landmark experiment — what was it and what did it prove?

3. Timeline: How did this discovery change our view of the atom or its properties? How did it influence future research?

Each group will prepare a 3-5 minute presentation to the class with the results of their research.

You must divide the tasks so that all group members have a specific role in the research and the presentation. Active participation by all members of the group is required in order for the group to receive full credit for the assignment.

Resources for all groups:

Research Groups:

1. John Dalton

Research Questions:

1. In what period of time did he live (When was he born and when did he die)?

2. What is his country of origin (Where was he born)?

3. What was his profession (What was his job)?

4. Explain his atomic theory. You may use your notes or any of the online resources provided.

5. Describe his model of the atom. You may use your notes or any of the online resources.

6. What was his education and background?

7. What other scientific discoveries is this scientist known for?

8. Name at least three other interesting facts (about his childhood, his work, his family, etc.)

9. Of the things that he said about the atom, which ones do we still believe to be true today?

10. Of the things he said about the atom, which ones do we now know are not true?


The Earliest Models of the Atom

More science videos on Atom at

2. J.J. Thomson

Research Questions:

1. In what period of time did he live (When was he born and when did he die)?

2. What is his country of origin (Where was he born)?

3. What was his profession (What was his job)?

4. Explain his atomic theory. You may use your notes or any of the online resources provided.

5. Describe his model of the atom. You may use your notes or any of the online resources.

6. What was his education and background?

7. What discovery is this scientist noted for? Thomson is noted for a landmark experiment (think cathode ray tube) - what was it and what did it prove?

8. What other scientific discoveries is this scientist known for?

9. Name at least three other interesting facts (about his childhood, his work, his family, etc.)

10. Of the things that he said about the atom, which ones do we still believe to be true today?

11. Of the things he said about the atom, which ones do we now know are not true?


The Discovery of the Electron

More science lessons on Atom at

3. Ernest Rutherford

Research Questions:

1. In what period of time did he live (When was he born and when did he die)?

2. What is his country of origin (Where was he born)?

3. What was his profession (What was his job)?

4. Explain his atomic theory. You may use your notes or any of the online resources provided.

5. Describe his model of the atom. You may use your notes or any of the online resources.

6. What was his education and background?

7. What discovery is this scientist noted for? Rutherford is noted for a landmark experiment (think gold foil experiment) - what was it and what did it prove?

8. What other scientific discoveries is this scientist known for?

9. Name at least three other interesting facts (about his childhood, his work, his family, etc.)

10. Of the things that he said about the atom, which ones do we still believe to be true today?

11. Of the things he said about the atom, which ones do we now know are not true?


The Rutherford Model of the Atom

More educational lessons on Atom at

4. Neils Bohr

Research Questions:

1. In what period of time did he live (When was he born and when did he die)?

2. What is his country of origin (Where was he born)?

3. What was his profession (What was his job)?

4. Explain his atomic theory. You may use your notes or any of the online resources provided.

5. Describe his model of the atom. You may use your notes or any of the online resources.

6. What was his education and background?

7. What other scientific discoveries is this scientist known for?

8. Name at least three other interesting facts (about his childhood, his work, his family, etc.)

9. Of the things that he said about the atom, which ones do we still believe to be true today?

10. Of the things he said about the atom, which ones do we now know are not true?


The Bohr Model of the Atom

More educational games & videos on Atom at


By the end of this project you will have learned about the history of the atom and how science is a continually changing field. You should be able to list the key individuals, their experiments and discoveries, and the accompanying models.