About Me

My Passions: Family, Traveling, Teaching Science, Playing Sports/Exercise, and being Adventurous!

I went to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands in college on a study abroad…it was an incredible experience

My Education: Virginia Tech GO HOKIES!Master’s Degree in Secondary Science EducationUndergraduate Degree in Biology, Minor in ChemistryOther Little Tidbits…I was born & raised in Smithfield…attended Smithfield Middle School, and Mr. Wilson was my history teacher. I played basketball for Coach Dockery for years in middle & high school. <And several other of my teachers are still around too!>I’ve been skydiving…twice! Most recently, I jumped out of a plane with my mom.My husband was a Peace Corps Volunteer in the Dominican Republic. Peace Corps = Awesome

My husband an I are the proud parents of our daughter Lucy & son Henry. They were born in the Spring of 2012 & 2014, respectively.

Education is extremely important to me. I thoroughly enjoy sharing my passion for science with students. I strive for my classroom to be an engaging, collaborative, hands-on learning environment; a place where students gain confidence as they learn skills to think critically and solve real-world problems.