Development Environment
Studio does customization with web interface. Studio project can be downloaded to Nuxeo server or imported into Nuxeo Eclipse IDE.
Concepts - see my "In a Nutshell"
- Download and start Eclipse
- Install Nuxeo IDE from Market Place
- Install SDK
- Download, extract anywhere
- Window -> Preference -> Nuxeo -> Nuxeo SDK; Add, select directory, check (make it current) and click OK
Facilities (Nuxeo Perspective and Views)
- Server - start, stop, start in debug mode, server log display, open in browser, reload & deploy
- Nuxeo Components - browse Nuxeo component model from here
- Nuxeo Studio - browse Studio project, refresh (pull studio project objects to the list) and export operations into Studio project
- Nuxeo Shell
- Debug options (Window -> Preference -> Nuxeo -> Run/Debug)
- Debug Port - any available port, say "8787"
- Suspend Server - if wish to suspend server at start-up, waiting for debugger to connect (not necessary in most cases)
- Link to Studio
- Window -> Preference -> Nuxeo -> Nuxeo Connect
- Nuxeo Studio view: click synchronize button and make sure synchronization is success
Plugin Project
- Creation: New Nuxeo Artifact > Nuxeo Plugin Project > input project ID > input Java root package > Maven settings > Finish
- Link with Studio project: Project context menu (right click) >Properties > Nuxeo > Nuxeo Studio > select project and click "Apply" and "OK"
- After done this, a "Studio Projects" shall appear in Project Explorer under the project
- Otherwise, if link is not done or broken (strangely, sometimes), running the project will not see customized document types, etc.
- When and where
- User libraries - Window => Preferences => User Libraries; add user library, must provide meta-data; Nuxeo IDE will automatically update POM (Maven build file) for the libraries
- Dependencies: must manually update POM or synchronise POM; otherwise build may fail. Synchronize POM: right click pom.xml => Nuxeo => Synchronize POM
- XML contributions (for almost all extensions):
- create folder "OSGI-INF" under "Project > src/main/resources
- put .xml in it
- declare the .xml with "Nuxeo-Component: OSGI-INF/xxxxxx.xml"
- Artifacts
- src/main/java - where the source codes are put, includes operations, etc.
- src/main/resources - where operation's extension contribution (XML) is put
- studio-project-name-SNAPSHOT.jar - compiled studio project JAR
- data - user and groups imported from studio project can be found here
- data.i18n - internationalization messages
- data.schemas - customize data schemas
- data.templates - .ftl templates
- data.vocabularies - .csv vocabularies
- theme.palettes - companyname related various properties
- web
- nuxeo.war
- img - images
- layouts - xhtml layouts
- studio_tabs - xhtml
- widgets - xhtml
- login.jsp
- nuxeo.war
- .metadata -?
- .version - seems to be relating to Nuxeo platform version (cap-5.6)
- OSGI manifest?
- Specify Nuxeo-Component : OSGI-INF/extensions.xml
- extensions.xml - THE extension master document, refers to various schemas and define various extensions
- deployment-fragment.xml - instruction about deployment of the module (copy/unzip/append, etc.)
Running and Debugging
Debugging allows hot reload project, interrupt execution and inspect variables / stacks, etc.
- Project Setup
- Project context menu > Debug as > Debug Configurations
- Double click on "Remote Java Application"
- Verify that the present project is selected in "Project" field
- Connection type (default): Standard (Socket Attach)
- Host & Port - localhost, and server's debug port (see above), say "8787"
Create an empty bundle
Create an empty bundle