- Fast, in-memory cache
- client server
- through TCP or Unix socket
- handles simultaneous client - a set number of maximum (default in 2.6 = 10K)
- "Redis is an in-memory but persistent on disk database, so it represents a different trade off where very high write and read speed is achieved with the limitation of data sets that can't be larger than memory."
- Security - INSECURE by design, should not be allowed connection from untrusted party
- Memory usage
- should set max memory a sane value - otherwise will be killed by OS
- Key-value store
- Features
- pipelining - multiple commands at once to save round trip
- pub/sub - fast publish / subscribe messaging system
- lua scripting
- native lua debugger
- memory optimization
- expires - TTL
- as LRU cache - configure Redis as a cache with fixed amount of memory and auto eviction of keys
- transaction - possible to group commands as a single transaction
- mass insertion
- partitioning - distribute data among multiple instances
- distributed locks - implement a distributed lock manager
- keyspace notifications - get notifications of keyspace events via pub/sub
- secondary indexes with Redis
- almost does not need administration
- persistence - optional
- clustering - distribute data among nodes
Quick References
Quick References
- Value
- SET - set value, and reset TTL to never expire
- INCR - atomic increase
- EXPIRE [key] seconds - set TTL
- TTL [key] - get TTL, -2 if key does not exist, -1 if never expire
- List (L)
- RPUSH [key] [value] - push at end
- LPUSH - push at start
- LRANGE [key] [index first elem start from 0] [index last elem or -1 to end]
- index out of range does not return error
- LLEN - length
- SET (S)
- SADD - set add
- SREM - set remove, 0 not found, 1 removed
- SISMEMBER [key] [value] - set is member, 1 yes, 0 no
- SMEMBERS - return a list of members
- SUNION - union
- Sorted set (Z)
- ZADD [key] [sort_score] [value]
- Hashes (H)
- a map between string fields and values
- HSET [key] [string_key] [string_value]
- HMSET [key] [string_key] [string value] [string_key2] [string value 2]...
- HINCRBY [key] [string_key] [increment] - increase numerical values
- HGETALL - a list of alternative key and value