General Reference
- Region & Endpoints
- Security credentials
- ARN format & name spaces
- Signing request
- Service Limits
- IP Address ranges
- Retries
- Each AWS SDK implements automatic retry logic (see SDK configuration)
- What to retry (general)
- 5xx or throttle errors from server
- NOT 4xx errors (client error, revise request)
- Each AWS SDK implements exponential backoff algorithm, with jitter (random) to avoid conflict.
- To debug and inspect retries,'retry', function(resp){...
- S3 Clientside Encryption
SDK for Javascript
For Node.js (EC2, Lambda), for browser. Amplify extends SDK for browser and provides declarative interface.
- EC2 container - choose an image with the environment
- EC2 - install
- Lambda - already provided
- Can build a smaller one for selected services only
- Many services (S3) requires CORS configuration on resources
Minimum - region & credentials (note: if load from user shared config, credentials could be null if resume role, it only become available after actually used)
How to configure:
- using the global configuration object (for every service)
- AWS.config.update({region:'...
- Environment variable like AWS_REGION
- loading shared config & credential from ~/.aws (see below)
- configure per service class (for all instances hereafter)
- AWS.config.ec2 = {region: 'us-west-2', apiVersion: '2016-04-01'};
- or pass extra configuration to service object when creating them (take all the configuration parameters as the global configuration including region & credentials).
- new AWS.SomeService({...
- load from user shared config & credentials (default in ~/.aws dir) (see here)
# from shell
export AWS_PROFILE=default
# see
# see
process.env.AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG = true;
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
Examples: using cognito ID pool
AWS.config.region = ...
// from cognito ID pool
AWS.config.credentials = new AWS.CognitoIdentityCredentials({...
// another style
var myCredentials = new AWS.CognitoIdentityCredentials({IdentityPoolId:'IDENTITY_POOL_ID'});
var myConfig = new AWS.Config({
credentials: myCredentials, region: 'us-west-2'
// using 'update'
myConfig = new AWS.Config();
myConfig.update({region: 'us-east-1'});
Example: per-service instance
var ec2_regionA = new AWS.EC2({region: 'ap-southeast-2', maxRetries: 15, apiVersion: '2014-10-01'});
var ec2_regionB = new AWS.EC2({region: 'us-east-1', maxRetries: 15, apiVersion: '2014-10-01'});
API Version Lockup
API version identified by 'YYYY-MM-DD'
Locking up recommended in production environment.
To lockup, do it individually when instantiating service object, or globally:
AWS.config.apiVersions = {
dynamodb: '2011-12-05',
ec2: '2013-02-01',
redshift: 'latest'
Work with Services
Importing the service class:
- require('aws-sdk') get everything
- require('aws-sdk/clients/SERVICE') get individual service + require('aws-sdk/global') get the global namespace, smaller footage doing things this way
Creating service object:
- Pass configurations for the object (override global configurations)
- Pass {params:{ someParameter: 'someDefaultValue'}} then the parameter would not be needed to be provided with every invocation (unless for overriding)
Invoking a service include full request / response & retry
AWS.Request / AWS.Response object encapsulates the request & responses.
Logging - see document
Asynchronous calling
- All calls asynchronous
- Manners:
- Pass callback as last parameter in service method calls
- function(error, data) {...} (not arrow style)
- "this" in callback for most services refer to the Response object, and through it can then refer to the Request object
- In this manner the call is sent out
- No callback parameter, register callback
- Without callback passed in, method calls return the Request object
- Must manually call .send() method
- Register callbacks (multiple) before send
- ... request.on('success', function(response) {...})
- can chain up ".on(...).on(...).send()"
- common callbacks:
- 'success', function(response)
- 'error', function(error,response)
- 'complete', function(response){ if (response.error)...
- Use promises (after calling a service method without callback to obtain a Request not sent yet)
- var promise = request.promise(); - immediately send and obtain the promise
- Request with Stream (file downloading with S3, etc.) see document
- Pass callback as last parameter in service method calls
Response Object
- properties "error" & "data"
Someone said most services by default retry 3 times, while DynamoDB retry 10 times (can be set).
Set maximum retries globally: AWS.config.maxRetries = 5
Set for individual service (DynamoDB): new AWS.DynamoDB({maxRetries: 5})
Inspect & diagnose:
On global level'retry', function(resp) {
if (resp.error && resp.error.retryable) {
var date = new Date();
console.log(date, '| Retrying request for the ' + resp.retryCount + 'th time.');
console.log(date, '| Retry triggered by', err.code, err.message);
On individual request level
req.on('retry', function() { ... });