The cornerstone of personalized learning is developing (and following) a Personal Learning Plan (PLP). These are not the Individual Educational Plans (IEP) that are federally mandated in special education law. These are documents that students develop during their middle and high school years to develop and follow their educational and personal progress. The Personal Learning Plan is developed between students, their advisors and their parents or guardians, and it is aligned with the school's graduate expectations. But a personalized plan also allows students to have a voice in their education by developing their learning styles and preferences, setting academic and personal goals which reflect their needs, and reflecting on their learning. The plan also archives student work and progress, which allows them to discuss their learning in authentic student-led conferences.

The Five Essential Components of Personalized Learning Plans

1) a student learning profile

2) a plan for achieving goals which have been set as part of the PLP

3) a record of student achievement

4) artifacts of student work

5) an opportunity for guided reflection on a student learning

What is Proficiency-based Learning?

Aligning Proficiencies to Graduate Expectations

Developing Course-Level Proficiencies

Using Proficiency-based Assessment Systems

5 year plan for development