Advisory Calendar
Activity Completed Date
September :
Getting to know you :
Students completed the schedule/preferences ________ ________
Students have participated in at least two ________ ________
“getting to know you” activities
Students have planned at least two activities ________ ________
for advisory
Students know at least two fun facts about ________ ________
each other
Advisor knows at least two “fun facts” about
Goal Setting :
Discussed goal setting process and ________ ________
Students have set academic goals ________ ________
Academic goals have been filed ________ ________
Students have set personal goals ________ ________
Personal goals have been filed ________ ________
Handbook :
Students have reviewed policy on :
Academic Integrity ________ ________
Activity Completed Date Drugs and Alcohol ________ ________
Leaving Campus ________ ________
Insubordination ________ ________
Fighting and Aggression ________ ________
Harassment and Bullying ________ ________ .............
Dress Code ________ ________
Eligibility for extra-curricular Activities ________ ________
Other policies in the hand book ________ ________
Students have nominated class officers ________ ________
Students have had a class meeting ________ ________
Advisor has checked in to see how year ________ ________
is progressing thus far
Advisor has contacted family to introduce self ________ ________
or reestablished contact made last year
Students are clear on their service learning responsibilities ________ ________
Activity Completed Date
October :
Mission Statement :
Students have answered the questions ________ ________
On Mission Statement
Students have processed the answers ________ ________
and other topics related to mission statement
Service Project
Students have considered a list of service ________ ________
projects in which they can participate
Students have chosen one service ________ ________
Students have planned how they will ________ ________
participate in their chosen service project
Students have filled out a service project planning sheet ________ ________
Students have planned at least two activities ________ ________
for advisory
Students have had a class meeting ________ ________
Advisor has checked in to see how first ________ ________
quarter is progressing
Student has met once with the school counselor ________ ________.
since the beginning of school as a class
for the purpose of college or career planning
November :
A celebration of some type has occurred in ________ ________
Advisor has had individual meeting with ________ ________
students to review and adjust goals if needed
Students have planned at least two activities ________ ________
for advisory
Students have had a class meeting ________ ________
Advisor has reviewed areas of focus by grade level ________ ________
to ensure they are meeting needs of advisory
(especially important for junior and senior advisors)
Advisor has attended any special meetings to ________ ________
which they were invited which involved their advisee
( Date if applicable)
Advisor has checked on each advisee's progress ________ ________.
on on their service learning requirement
December :
Students have had opportunity to participate in at ________ ________
least two suggested topics of discussion or activities
Students have planned at least two activities ________ ________
for advisory
Students have had a class meeting ________ ________
Advisor has sought informal feedback ________ ________
about advisory
January :
Advisor has had individual meetings with ________ ________
students to review and adjust goals if needed
Students have planned at least two activities ________ ________
for advisory
Students have had a class meeting ________ ________
Advisor has checked in on progress of
advisees on first semester academic progress ________ ________
Advisor has used a formal tool to elicit feedback ________ ________
about advisory
Advisor has checked on each advisee's progress ________ ________.
on on their service learning requirement
February :
Advisor reviews feedback for advisory and ________ ________
plans appropriate adjustments
Students have planned at least two activities ________ ________
for advisory
Students have had a class meeting ________ ________
A celebration of some type has occurred in ________ ________
Students have planned at least two activities ________ ________
for advisory
Students have had a class meeting ________ ________
Advisor has had individual meeting with ________ ________
students to review and adjust goals if needed
Students have planned at least two activities ________ ________
for advisory
Students have had a class meeting ________ ________
Advisor has checked on each advisee's progress ________ ________.
on on their service learning requirement
Advisor has checked in to see how third ________ ________.
quarter is progressing
Student has met once with school counselor ________ ________
since midterm as a class
for the purpose of college or career planning
Students have planned at least two activities ________ ________
for advisory
Students have had a class meeting ________ ________
Advisor has reviewed areas of focus by grade level ________ ________
to ensure they are meeting needs of advisory
(especially important for junior and senior advisors)
Advisor has had individual meetings with ________ ________
students to review and celebrate progress
on goals during the year, plan new goals for
summer ?
Students have planned at least two activities ________ ________
for advisory
Students have had a class meeting ________ ________
Advisor has used a formal tool to elicit feedback ________ ________
about advisory