Hall of Fame Dinner

Every year the Springfield Diocesan Chapter holds a Hall of Fame Banquet where we honor those selected to the Diocesan Hall of Fame. These are members from the councils in Springfield Diocese. These are Your members from your councils that have been nominated by you for their outstanding efforts and work in your council. This event is often attended by a number of clergy, state officers, and our Bishop.

This year was a special event for our council since our Brother Knight Leo Mushill was one of the chosen Hall of Fame inductees. Click here for more details.

In addition to the annual Hall of Fame event, you ever asked yourself what is the Springfield Diocesan Chapter and what do they do?

First and foremost, the chapter is the Knights of Columbus. You, as a knight in the Springfield Diocese are a member of the chapter. At the local level you are an integral part of your council. Your council and its members are part of the larger Illinois State Council and of course, all roads lead to the Supreme Council and the Supreme Knight.

So what is the Chapter that falls into the middle of all of this? Simply, the chapter is the organization of all the councils within the boundaries of the diocese. Every diocese in the state has a chapter made up of its councils.

Why do we need a chapter? Don’t we already report to the District Deputy, and the State and Supreme? The answer is yes, but just as our councils assist our local parishes and pastors, collectively we must provide that same support and assistance to our diocese and bishop. That is the reason for the chapter. It’s the vehicle that the councils and members throughout the diocese can work together in unity for the common good of the diocese and its needs.

What are some ways that the chapter assists the diocese? To start with, all councils are assessed chapter dues. These are just like council dues or state per capita. Part of it is used for administrative costs such as stamps, envelopes, paper etc. and part is held in a general fund to allow us to provide assistance where needed. What’s more, your timely payment of chapter dues provides your council voting rights at the chapter meetings. Your council has a voice in determining what the chapter does.

In summary, the chapter is YOU. It is the Springfield Diocese. It is the mechanism that we have available to us to make the church stronger throughout Central Illinois. What we do is not directed by the state or supreme. There are many needs in our own backyard that we can and must attend to. But we need the help of all members and councils to be successful. We must be unified as Knights of Columbus to provide the best support we can to our diocesan family, which is an extension of our council families.

Click here for more information on the Springfield Diocesan Chapter and its activities.