A Nourishing Rain of Books for Charleston County

Post date: Jan 9, 2017 5:50:12 PM

January 9, 2017 -- A recent article about urban “book deserts” in the New York Daily News highlighted a universal challenge for low-income families with young children: limited access to books. The article focused on urban areas where concentrations of poverty and changes in technology have led to the closure of book stores, but in Charleston, some of our driest book deserts are rural areas, where families may live miles and miles from the closest book store or library.

According to authors Naomi Moland and Susan Neuman, “Book deserts are particularly detrimental for young children. Babies and toddlers (who do not yet have access to books in schools) need to be surrounded by books to develop preliteracy skills. When very young children are exposed to books and reading, they develop vocabulary and stretch their brains. When they don’t, they enter pre-K or kindergarten behind their peers, opening racial and class disparities that only grow over time.”

Begin with Books (BWB) has unleashed a virtual tsunami of books into Charleston County’s book deserts.... Read the rest of the article at Charleston Currents.