
大天使 依思拉斐爾

B112 - 藍綠色/中調的寶藍色

誕生於 誕生於 12:12pm GMT on 12 月 14日, 2014


在 B112 中,我們可以看到它與 B33 海豚瓶有著非常深厚的連結。他們同樣擁有著藍綠色與寶藍色。從某個角度來看,我們可以在 B112 中見到 4 個海豚瓶 (1+1+2=4)。當我們將33乘上 4,我們得到的是 132 ,這數字也剛好就是 B112 加上 星星的小孩 (B20) (112+20=132)。這樣的共振就像是一個上下顛倒的海豚 . 去支援著孩童解救瓶去將它帶入我們的生命之中。這一瓶也與正在尋找自身目標的人們有關 – 他們為何在此? 要如何去接觸到他們所要追求的。

B112 也剛好正是雙倍的聖哲曼(B56) (56+56=112)。 (5+6=11,5+6=11) 聖哲曼帶有著非常強大的 “轉變” 以及 “同步性” 的訊息,這些在 大天使依思拉斐爾 的註解中都同樣可見。當 5 和 6 在一起時,我們的到的是 11,也就是一扇大門。 所以在此的兩個 11 代表著雙重的大門。


在傳說之中,依思拉斐爾是位非常積極且強壯的大天使,祂賦予了宇宙法則在創造力方面的實際形體,就像是 男人/女人,男神/與女神,以及將內心的溝通用音樂的方式表達出來的創造力,又或者是以舞蹈的方式來慶祝。當我們將心扉打開,我們的靈魂將可以更容易體會到大天使依思拉斐爾以聲音來表達出音樂中的言語,這也就是為什麼人們經常被音樂和歌曲當中所要表達的一切感動。

這個瓶子中的轉變層面,在於了解這位大天使所要給予我們什麼中是不可或缺的。當我們因為音樂的節奏而開始舞動著身體的時候,代表著這個特定音樂的結合有碰觸到我們,這樣的動作正是一種慶祝,也是大天使依思拉斐爾所要帶給我們的部分靈感。 依思拉斐爾和大天使加百列 (B95) 一樣,是位小號手。他們都讓我們認知到在我們最深處的內在之星中所擁有的是什麼。在此我們一樣能看見顏色的連結,寶藍色的互補色是金黃色,就如同我們同時擁有依思拉斐爾的寶藍色以及 加百列的金黃色。

當我們在任何一個平衡油瓶中見到寶藍色,我們都會覺得這是一個代表著寶藍色和金黃色連結的暗喻,因為金黃色又帶領著我們去連結到我們自身中的能量中心。大天使 Israfel 也是一樣,在上層中,我們有意識的碰觸著代表著個體化過程的藍綠色,而這個過程正是我們與自身內心的一種創造性的溝通。我們同時也站在一個可以接觸到我們內在金黃色之星的位置上,透過著自己,有著與自己最真誠的溝通。此時此刻,我們也再次啟動並遵從了自身內在的宇宙法則。

這在轉變中是個關鍵的時刻,有些轉變會帶著價值連城的挑戰,有些轉變會帶著將所有一切帶向新的秩序的潛能。 大天使依思拉斐爾要求我們在這轉變的時刻去請求天使們的幫助。大天使依思拉斐爾會幫助我們以我們真實的聲音,我們心的聲音,去透過內在之星來呼喊,幫助我們將聲音傳遞到那一位和我們一同並肩去迎接我們所愛的一切的那位天使。

大天使依思拉斐爾也被稱為六翼天使,當我們呼喊祂的名字時,我們同時也開啟了第五扇大門,這也同時連結到 釋放的第五個層面。就像是通過 B65 (頂天立地瓶: 紫羅蘭/紅色)所出來的能量 (天堂於人間的潛能,頭在天堂,雙腳於人間),這個能量正處於第五扇大門這。而此處也連結到喉輪 (第五個脈輪),能量正藉由著大天使依思拉斐爾的藍綠色的支持通過於此。

B112 也可以說是在幫助我們移除無知與愚昧,移開擋在我們前方的障礙。克服前方障礙的概念也與龍相互連結著,我們可以這樣想,大天使依思拉斐爾移除了龍能量上所帶有著的任何負面,同時也能感受到與大天使米迦勒的深層連結。大天使依思拉斐爾在大天使行列中是屬於較新的天使,祂支持著幫我們帶領出最真實的本質、將卓越真實性帶入生命之中的可能性。在此,我們見到了我們之前所談到雙層 B56 的轉變,一個由大天使加百列所引領的重生,一個與大天使依思拉斐爾一起的重生。


在蘇菲派中最神聖的四位天使是加百列,米迦勒,阿茲瑞爾以及依思拉斐爾。而傳說中其中唯一沒有成功,回到天庭中的便是 阿茲瑞。

大天使依思拉斐爾 可以做到同一時間在不同地點的同步性。祂是喚醒新時間的大天使,幫助那些一直在沉睡中的人們在真實中清醒,並見到他們所需要追求的,也就是他們在轉世之前所同意的藍圖。在這個層面中,可以幫助我們脫離被條件限制住的麻痺狀態,並支持著我們在當下中被喚醒的潛能,介而慶祝。

大天使依思拉斐爾特質中很值得高度讚賞的一點,是幫助我們去接收並揭開我們生命中完完全全所擁有的天賦。現在正是去看見這些我們所要求過和所被賜與的禮物的壯麗,特別是用在我們創造力中,幫助我們表露無異,並讓這創造力流入並通過我們所做的一切與我們的目標,一個帶我們來到 “我是” 的覺醒。

在伊斯蘭教中,依思拉斐爾字面上的解釋是 “正在燃燒著的”,依思拉斐爾與耶路撒冷有著一個連結,而此連結也與摩西環環相扣著。與大天使拉斐爾的深層連結便是那在同是猶太教與基督教中如同天使般的清晰。在 Aura-Soma 系統中,大天使拉斐爾是寶藍色/寶藍色 (B96)。寶藍色不常出現在平衡油的下層,這也加強了大天使依思拉斐爾對於在身處所在寶藍色深層中的清晰的重要性。也因此,B112可以幫助我們與因為失去而悲傷和痛苦的關係,幫助我們學習放手、不再緊抓。

在伊斯蘭教中,大天使依思拉斐爾與其他三位大天使 (加百列、米迦勒、和 阿茲瑞爾Azreal) 被派到地球的四個角落去收集塵土,因為這些塵土Adam Kadmon (卡巴拉中的最原始人類) 便誕生了。在其他的傳說中,這四個角落的連結被稱之為 依思拉斐爾. 依思拉斐爾伸展祂的翅膀去碰觸支撐著萬物根基的四隻支柱。大天使依思拉斐爾也與埃及文化中的托特 (鸚首人身;智慧之神:統管理解力、思想、推論和邏輯) 以及阿奴比斯 (聖地之神) 有著深層的連結,

我們也知道大天使依思拉斐爾也與 Aura-Soma 系統的中心有關,這中心幫助我們建造我們的光體以及形成我們內在金黃色區塊的煉金術,幫助我們去預見我們所要追求的一切並不都是輕而易舉的。

最後一點便是以占星學和誕生的時間點有關: 在 2012年 6 月24日與2015年 3 月 16 日之間,天王星與 冥王星形成七次的正方形,每一個正方形都對於水瓶時代的進入有貢獻。其中的第六個正方形形成於 12月 14 - 15日,許多的占星學者都將此現象解讀為 “獲得一個新的洞察力”,這也與大天使依思拉斐爾所帶來其中之一的訊息“在最真實自我中覺醒”有著同步性。另外,在 Aura-Soma 的占星學的角度來看,在天王星連結到藍綠色的平衡油瓶 (B43、B62、B45 以及 B75)的同時,寶藍色也連結到洞察力。在天王星與冥王星形成這些正方形的時刻,我們也同時被召喚來建造一個以有著大天使依思拉斐爾所支持著的真相為基礎的新世界。如同之前提及的,祂有著讓轉變進入一個新秩序的潛能。


Archangel Israfel

B112 - Turquoise/Mid-Tone Royal Blue

Born 12:12pm GMT on December 14th, 2014

First Thoughts

Within B112 we can see a deep connection with the Dolphin bottle (B33), with the Turquoise and Royal Blue colour association. In a sense we can see (1 + 1 + 2 = 4) 4 Dolphin bottles within this B112. By multiplying 33 by 4 we get 132 which is the number of this bottle plus the Star Child (B20) (112 + 20= 132).This resonates somewhere as an upside down Dolphin that needs the Star Child rescue to bring it into being. This bottle is also about those who are seeking their true purpose - why they are here and how to get in touch with what is asked of them.

B112 is also the St Germain (B56) doubled (56 + 56 = 112). (5 + 6 = 11, 5 + 6 = 11) St Germain has a strong message of transmutation and synchronicity which we can also see in the notes on Israfel below. The 5 and 6 making an 11 show a gate, so two 11’s show a double gate.

This numerology is important to begin the notes.

Traditionally, Israfel is known as a very energetically strong Archangel who embodies the creative aspect of the Logos, the male/female God/Goddess and the creativity they express through communication of the heart in song, and celebration through dance.

We are all often touched by what is communicated through music and song. By opening our hearts with sound Israfel facilitates this sense of the musical communication of the soul.

The transformational aspect of this bottle is essential in the understanding of what this Archangel has to offer. When we are moved to dance because a particular rhythm, a particular musical combination touches us, we enter into the movement, the celebration which is some of the inspiration of Israfel.

Israfel is a trumpet blower and in the same sense as with Archangel Gabriel, we are awakened to what lies at the deeper levels of the star within us. Here we can see a connection in the colours, the complimentary opposite of Royal Blue is Gold; we have the Royal Blue in Israfel and the Gold in Gabriel (B95).

When we see the Royal Blue in any of the bottles we might think of the implications of the Royal Blue and the Gold connection where the Gold connects us to all of the energy centres of ourselves. So it is with Israfel. Within the upper fraction as we consciously touch that Turquoise process of individuation, the process which is the creative communication of our hearts, we are also in a position to be able to touch what is within our Golden star; the true self communicating through us so that we become the Way as the Logos within ourselves is re-activated within us.

This moment in time is critical for change, some of these changes might present worthy challenges and some may bring the potential for things to come together within a new order. Israfel requests that we ask the Angels to support us at this transitional time. Isfrael helps to call with our true voice, the voice of our heart, through the star, to reach whichever Angel is there to work with us to greet the beloved.

Israfel has been called a Seraphim, to call her name is said to open the fifth gate and this reminds me of a connection with the fifth level of letting go. The energy that comes about through the B65 Violet/Red bottle (the heaven on earth potential, where the head is in heaven and the feet are on earth) is present at the fifth gate. The fifth gate is also to do with the throat (5th Chakra) and the energy that moves through there, as supported with the Turquoise of Israfel.

B112 can be thought of as aiding in the removal of ignorance, the removal of what stands in our way, obscuring what is before us. Sometimes this concept of an obstacle that needs to be overcome has an association with the dragon; we can think of Israfel as dispelling the negative association of the dragon energy and herein feel a deep connection with Archangel Michael. Israfel has been referred to as one of the newer Angels in the archangelic host.

Israfel supports the possibility for us to draw our true nature, our true self, our transcendent reality into being; here we can see that transmutation we discussed with the double B56. There is a sense of being re-born with Israfel, this re-birth having been initiated by Archangel Gabriel.

There is also a connection with Islam and the Prophet Mohammed. Israfel was an Archangel who came to Mohammed to empower him on his way as a prophet.

There are four angels regarded as most sacred in the Sufi tradition: Gabriel, Michael, Azreal and Israfel. The only one of these four Archangels who returned to the source and was said to be unsuccessful was Azreal.

Israfel is able to manifest simultaneously and synchronously in many places at the same time. He is the awakening Archangel for the new time, to be available for those who have been sleeping, to awaken to the reality of what is asked of them, what they agreed to before they came into this incarnation. It is this aspect that can help us be released from the narcosis of conditioning and can support us with awakening to the moment to moment potential for celebration.

A useful point about Archangel Israfel is the help we receive to reveal the talents we have and to be fully in the being that we are. It is time for us to see the magnificence of the gifts that we have asked for and that we have been given, to particularly use our creativity in whichever way it manifests to us so that there is a creative flow in and through what we do or what is asked of us, a sense of the awakening to the I Am.

In Islam the literal meaning of Israfel is ‘The Burning One’, there is a connection with Jerusalem and Israfel is also very strongly linked to Moses. A deep connection with Raphael is clear angelically in Judeo-Christian literature. In the Aura-Soma system, Raphael is Royal Blue/Royal Blue, B96. The Royal Blue does not appear so often in the base fraction and this emphasises the importance of Israfel’s deep sense of clarity lying within the depths of that Royal Blue. B112 could therefore be very useful in relation to our sorrows and sufferings to do with loss and to enable us to do more work with letting go.

In Islam it is also said that Israfel was sent with the other three Archangels, Gabriel, Michael, and Azreal to the four corners of the Earth to collect the dust and from this dust Adam Kadmon was born (referred to in the Kabbalah as the ‘original man’). The whole connection with the four corners is known in other traditions in reference to Israfel, who, with his wings, is able to touch each of the pillars that support the foundations of Existence. Israfel also has a deep connection with Thoth (God of the mind - of intelligence, thinking, reason, and logic) and Anubis (Lord of the Sacred Land) in the Egyptian tradition.

We also know that Israfel is something to do with the core of the Aura-Soma system, the core which is to do with the building of the light body and the alchemy of the Gold within us, the preparedness to look at what is asked of us is not always the easy way.

A final point of note is in regards to Astrology and timing of this birth: between June 24, 2012 and March 16, 2015, Uranus and Pluto square each other seven times and each square has a piece to contribute to bring on the Aquarian Age. The sixth of these squares takes place on December 14—15, with some astrologers viewing the theme for this square as ‘Gaining a Vision’, this is synchronous with Israfel’s message for us to wake up to our true self. Additionally, within the Aura-Soma astrological attributions, Uranus relates to the Turquoise bottles, (43, 62, 45 and 75) whilst the theme of vision relates to Royal Blue. During these squares between Uranus and Pluto it is said that we are being summoned to build a new world based on truth as supported by Israfel, as aforementioned he allows the potential for a transformation into a new order of things.

With Love, as ever,