Personal Presentation Skills Course (PPS)

個人表達技巧訓練課 課程簡介 (Coral Course) – 3 days (18 hours officially)

The Personal Presentation Skills (PPS) takes the experience deeper into the gold and coral potential. It offers an opportunity to integrate the information learned on the Blue and Yellow courses in a new way. If offers the opportunity to expand the information on a joyful journey of discovery.


Some of the topics covered in and the benefits of attending the PPS course are:


z Tools to connect with and develop the light body 幫助連繫及發展我們的光體部分(能量)

z Helps us to consider and make conscious our motivations, reinforces “energy follows thought” 幫助我們留意做事的動機,有意識地培養及會考慮「動機」的力量,加強「能量隨思想而行」的力量

z An exploration of new consultation skills particularly focusing on listening skills 發掘一些新的諮詢技巧,特別會聚焦在聆聽技巧上

z The value of observation 明白在旁觀察的價值

z Helps us to determine our gifts and how to manifest them 幫助我們確定我們的天賦,以及如何實現、彰影它們

z Helps us to structure a presentation 幫助我們組織一個簡單的演講

z On a more personal level we explore our role in relationship through observation, focus and methods to further develop presence 在個人的層面,透過觀察、聚焦和一些發展存在或心態的方法,讓我們發掘更多我們在關係裡的角色