課後感想 recommendation


2012 意識之旅-彩油塔羅

Sharon Yuen



但不用擔心飄走了聽不到牌義,因為在課堂練習時你聽唔到睇唔見既牌就會出現返在自己的牌陣, 對面同學的牌陣中.




竟然發現自己突然間都中咗箭喎....想點呢....兜一大個圈叫我好面對個狀況啦喎. 唔好又HEA走喎. (THAT'S WHY 係唔需要擔心自己上堂時飄走會聽少咗嘢既,因為聽少咗你咪經歷返囉.即刻明哂)


課堂是完結了, 但功課才真正開始.

除了感謝你及同學們仲有欣靈BB的真誠分享也謝謝自己的勇氣及誠實, 此刻感受到自己又向前跨了一大步.感受到自己的進步真好^^

2013 意識之旅-彩油塔羅



我是舊學制的學生,2009年便完成了Level 2,可直接上Level 3的,只是拖延了三年多…仍然沒有動力去上 > <

最初報讀意識之旅-彩油塔羅的原因非常簡單,就是在”as butterfly”見到掛在牆上的彩油生命的poster”好靚”,好吸引我!!







善忘 / 唔記得 ~~~ 是我慣用的技倆!!






一直以來,吸了很多對自己沒有用的東西,然而又執著沒有放下;把別人的東東纏在自己身上,扛起了別人的責任,把自己壓得透不過氣來;困在自己概念上的死胡同,看不到生命的希望(/出路)!!從小都感到卑微的我,總想把自己做到跟別人一樣好,copy & paste 別人的人生,誤以為這樣的好就好了。。。完全沒有想過自己需要嗎?!適合嗎?!









在能量上的支持,我隨後亦完成了PPS及Level 3的課程,現在為Level 4 努力中^^




2013 意識之旅-彩油塔羅


I'm so gladded I have attended tarot class. As I always wonder how the bottles connect with the tree of life and the tarot stands for those bottles. The class started from fundamental, the journey of the fool to the universe. Then begins with how the matrix works with the tarot, I found it very interesting that the relationship even start with different path the end could be the same. Also mentioned the three paths and the three bowls connected with the three stars 9, 11 & 10. How the path help to balancing the left and the right energy (Feminine and masculine). We had case practising every lesson, at first I had difficulties to speak and see the linkage between the bottles and the tarot card. By time to time, I had courage from other classmates, my teacher and soon as I develop more information from classes. Finally I found my own way to start the session, this is something that I never think I can do. Something that I was struggling in as level were solved after i understand more about the tarot meaning behind and position each bottle standing in the tree of life.

2013 意識之旅-彩油塔羅


Go is one of the best Aura Soma teachers that I’ve ever met!!


- Full of love and care: She created a very relaxing learning atmosphere and allowed us to do lots of sharing in class. She encouraged each of us to express ourselves and helped us to find out the “issue(s)”of our consultation skills or our personal issues! She helped to develop our confidence and notice our weakness for making improvement. Totally fely her passionate to teach and to Aura Soma,

- Resourceful: Her class is very informative. She is very well-prepared for the class. She has very strong background knowledge on Aura Soma, Numerology and Astrology. She always encouraged us to use what we have learned and applied in the consultation.

- High Flexibility: She never frames our imagination and ideas, but she would provide guidance at the same time.

- Professional: Apart from delivering the knowledge, she also taught us how to be a professional aura soma practitioner by using appropriate manner and consultation skills.

- Patience: She was willing to help to solve the problems that we encountered by leading us to think!

- A great story teller – she told stories (e.g. Greek Myth) to help us to memories the characteristics of the bottles.

2013 意識之旅-彩油塔羅

NG Wing-yan, Bhakta (Student Number: 45419)

It is very good of having the Aura Soma Tarot Card course offered by Ms GO Ming-oi. Actually, I was eager to learn it as attracting by the beautiful pictures of those cards. Also, I was attracted by the design of this course. I am a Level 3 student but I found that there are some data or concepts can be more clarified in the system of Aura Soma Tarot Card.

During the lessons, those contents were all fit for my expectation. Firstly, I can understand more about the concept of Matrix and how to apply for the reading in Aura Soma as well. Secondly, the information shared in Level 2 about Tarot card will be found very useful after understanding more in Aura Soma Tarot cards and then applied on the reading sessions. Thirdly, I think the understanding on the Kabbalah System will be more thorough at class. (To be honest, it is not easy to understand the Kabbalah System even learnt in Level 3. It is really a good chance to understand more on it during the Aura Soma Tarot Class as there are not many classes about Kabbalah can be reached in HK)

On the other hand, it is very gratitude to having this course not only on the knowledge. However, I have personal growth during this course as well. From those exercises by selecting bottles and drawing the Tarot cards, both of them were reflecting what happened on me at that moment. Through this process and I would learn that how to move on or what were the key issues that blocked me to go forwards. It is very grateful that I was different and becomes clearer to my way at life.

It was also a good chance to share the experience or ideas on different level of Aura Soma. As for having a time to practice together, the understanding on the system or the implementation on Aura Soma will be more in a coincidence. Building up a team atmosphere on Aura Soma is also a good idea to promote this system as well.

2013 彩油與星座

Dear Go,

This is great to attend your course of the Aura Soma and Astrology in this Sept. For me, I unable to handle the Astrology into the Aura Soma reading after finished the Level 2 becos I have lack of knowledge of Astrology plus time constraint of Level 2, this is not much time to study it deeply during class. The Astrology class of past five weekend, you taught us in the simply way by cardinal sign, fixed sign and mutable sign that make me have more understanding of character of each sign through the myth and discussion, it's interesting. After seeing the demo of AS consultation combine with the birth chart, I would try it in near future when I practice consulation with my friends. Hopefully, you will have extended class for more input on aspect lines on the birth chart. Thanks.

Best Regards,


2013 彩油與星座

Alice Lau



2015 彩油與星座

Jenni Yuen










