Eye illumiare


使用的時候,必需要脫掉隱形眼鏡及眼鏡,容許柔和的光線透過視能量瓶進入眼睛,瓶子的紫紅色的光線能幫助平衡視力以及舒緩疲勞的眼睛,適合長期使用電腦的人士.大約33秒後,便可以拿開視能量瓶,此時你便可以望著白色的紙,看看 ”殘餘影象”是什麼顏色,若果是偏黃,適合每天使用;若果是偏紅,則可以間中使用/每星期使用一至兩次.



The Eye-Illuminaire is purple-magenta in colour although in the process of re-balancing your eyes you may find that it changes colour. It is recommended that like the Equilibrium bottle it works specifically with you and each person should have their own personal eye- illuminaire. It is effective for tired and strained eyes and useful to keep in the car should you have sleepy eyes.