Association with DLOY Face Book Group

In Autumn 2015 Lt Col John Tustin (current webmaster) approached the owners of the then called 'A' Sqn DLOY FaceBook closed group to seek agreement to select material published within the FaceBook group and publish it on the DLOY Regimental Archives web site. The proposal was welcomed.

A start was made to harvest photographs and notes from the group and publish them in the public domain on the Regimental web site.

A general thank you is tendered to all those members of the group whose material will now be made widely available over the internet. I am sure this project will arouse many memories and produce many smiles and comments over the coming years.

In November 2018 the group adopted the new title of "DLOY FaceBook Group."

John Tustin

This was Powell Street on "Walking Day." Behind the banner is the Drill Hall which was home to 'A'Sqn DLOY until 1986 when the building was demolished in Wigan's new road system.

Inside the Drill Hall c.1953