2018 Battlefield Tour post 16

2018 France/Belgium Trip Post No. 16

After St. Pierre Cemetery in Amiens, we went on the trail of the Red Baron again. The day Von Richthofen was shot down at Vaux sur Somme his body was claimed by 3 Sqn Australian Flying Corps and taken to their airfield at Bertangles, five miles north of Amiens. The next day 22 April 1918 he was given a full military funeral at the French Communal Cemetery in Bertangles with six pilot officers from 3 Sqn acting as pallbearers.

There is one Commonwealth War Graves burial in the cemetery belonging to an American who flew with the Royal Flying Corps. 2 Lt James Arthur Miller died on 28 March 1918 aged 24. Born in Kona, Hawaii he was the son of Charles David and Harriet Alice Miller who at the time of his death lived at 690 Westminster Drive, Pasadena, California.