2017 Battlefield Tour Page 15

12 (DLOY) Bn Manchester Regt

PK laying a poppy cross at the memorial to 1039 soldiers of the 12 Bn Manchester Regt who gave their lives in the Great War...... In early 1917 the DLOY who had been the 3 Corps Cavalry Regt were dismounted and re-trained as Infantry. On 24 Sept 1917 RHQ, C Sqn & D Sqn DLOY were absorbed into the 12th Bn and it then became known as the 12 (DLOY) Bn Manchester Regt.....During the Battle of the Somme on 6 July 1916, a few hundred yards from this memorial the Bn suffered nearly 600 casualties in 2 hours in an abortive attempt to take the Quadrangle support trench in front of Mametz Wood... RIP.