'A' Sqn DLOY Training in the 70s, 80s & early 90s

Details and anecdotes connected with these photographs would be welcomed by the webmaster and considered for inclusion.

Padre Maj Peter Cameron chats with Graham (Spanners) Taylor, (centre)

Derby Trophy Warcop 1983, me (Graham Taylor) top right. Barry Lunt only agreed to do it because I promised him the photographer would be there.

Debbie Graham

Pte Linda Aston

Chef Stevie Hesketh
Chef Stevie Heskseth
Chef Stevie Heskseth

Chef Stevie Hesketh: preparing dinner for WOs + Sgt's Mess Ball, Chorley, late 1980s

Here is a photo of 4 members of DLOY doing some caving. They are in Long Churn Cave at Ingleborough. They have just done the famous cheese press, a narrow squeeze notorious for it's tightness, L-R Tpr Gaskell D Sqn, Linda Aston, Debbie Graham and Stevie Carmichael A Sqn.