Thank You, Area 11

Post date: Nov 03, 2010 2:23:37 PM

This morning as I read the paper, tearing over the results, I am comforted by one thing. You. All of you who were involved in the campaigns on the ground on the phones worked so hard. As I made my way around the polling places in Area 11 pretty much every poll was covered. We made a presence; we had a force. A huge thank you goes out to all of you for taking time from your personal lives, braving the cold, and some angry voters.

We did what we could, and in only one race in our area got to realize the thrill of victory. The rest? Well, the rest will be yet to see. But we must not stop; we must move on and continue to build our party, build the turnout, and build the power.

Our next meeting is on Wednesday November 10 at Norristown Borough Hall 235 E Airy St. I hope to see you there where we will plan for the next upcoming election, discuss your experiences on this Election Day, and more.

Thanks again for all the work you do and the dedication you have for Area 11 Democrats.