Last Few Weeks

Post date: Sep 16, 2011 1:50:43 PM

Believe it or not we have less than 8 weeks to the General Election on November 8th! Things are underway in all campaign offices all across the country to launch into the last phase of the campaign season. The races in Montgomery County are right along with them.

This year, as you know, this year I am wearing two hats; one for Area 11 leader and the other as a Field Organizer for the Shapiro/Richards campaign. It has been a long but interesting campaign so far and this experience has given me a lot of insight into how a well organized, well funded campaign is run. I have enjoyed every minute of it. Even those who are very involved in large campaigns are impressed with this campaign and consider it to be on the level of a US Senate race. I look forward to seeing victory on Election Night.

However, I must caution myself not to think too positively less I slack off and not work as hard as we all have to ensure victory on Election Day; to give it one last push. We need everyone on the ground on Election Day. To that end if you have not already scheduled time off from your normal work day and time on for Election Day, please do so now.

That said your help is needed in these last few days. Even if you can only give 2 hours of your time a week to make sure we identify all the support we have and to get the message out, that would help a lot. Even with a busy schedule, that is totally doable. It is only 54 days and then it’s back to your normal life.

Thanks for all you are going to do on November 8th.