Tea, anyone?

Post date: Nov 09, 2010 9:24:10 PM

We have been hearing a lot about the Tea Party and their effect on politics, especially in this last cycle. I have been reading a fascinating book by Will Bunch called Backlash: Right-Wing Radicals, High-Def Hucksters, and Paranoid Politics in the Age of Obama , which describes in detail how the sect formed and the impacts this will make on the future of politics in general. I haven’t gotten all the way through the book, but so far it is really interesting. I urge you all to read it if you get the chance.

Kiplinger Magazine said in an article about the long term effects of the movement. “The effect may be to solidify the more conservative pillar of the Republican Party, one less willing to compromise for fear of being punished in the next election -- even if it is to the long-term detriment of the party… “Read more: http://www.kiplinger.com/columns/washington/archives/longterm-impact-of-tea-party-wins.html#ixzz14nntphjK.

So even the Republicans are scared of this group as it represents such a far right lean that they fear their own party members will leave. Hopefully, they might leave for our party, but that remains to be seen. However, already we have seen that the movement, however radical it may be, has changed the face of the US Congress as well as our own State House.

A Gallup poll was taken recently which showed that three out of four believe that because of the Tea Party. “Americans believe that the Tea Party movement has had both positive and negative influences on the U.S. political process. They credit the movement with getting people more involved in the political process and making the parties more responsive to the views of ordinary citizens. At the same time, a majority believe the Tea Party has created deeper political divisions in the U.S.” http://www.gallup.com/poll/144242/americans-positive-negative-effects-tea-party-movement.aspx

This could a boon for us because if people are more aware and understand the far right wing lean, they may want to get involved in our party. We need to take advantage of the recent awaking by talking about our organization and getting more people involved. Take a moment and review the street lists for the voters who are active. Call them. Get them part of our mailing list. Direct them to our site.