Memorial Lumley 6th Pit Institute - WW2

Each serviceman whose name appears on the World War 2 Memorial for Lumley 6th Pit Institute has been researched and a summary of the results can be found in the table below. In some cases, many more facts are available for the people listed. If you would like further information on any of the people listed, or indeed have information to add, then please contact the Webmaster via the email address on the Home page of this website. Clicking on the images below will enlarge them in your browser.

Lumley Colliery

Welfare and Institute

In Memory

Of The Men

Of Lumley Sixth Pit

And those of the

Two Lumley Parishes

Who gave their lives

For freedom

And against aggression

In the war of 1939 - 1945

J.W. Taylor

Jack Watson

George Johnson

Arthur Swinney

Thomas Brown

William Young

T.V. Pascoe

E.C. Duffy

J.W. Parker

J.L. Parker

A.B. Little

Alan Conn

S. Armstrong

Thomas Holmes

John Lowery

R.B. Cole

John Renwick

J. Trotter

E.B. Vardy