Bournmoor & District Nursing Association

The year 1948 saw 50 years of service by the Lumley, Burnmoor and Fencehouses District Nursing Association - a purely voluntary organisation established in 1898. In recognition of this "Golden Jubilee" a commemorative book was produced in April 1948 by Mr. Andrew Lee of Castle Dene.

1948, as well as being the 50th anniversary of this organisation, also marked its end as a purely voluntary organisation. From July 5th 1948, the work of the Association was taken over by the National Health Service act, controlled by the county council. It was decided by the Committee that the most appropriate form of its jubilee would be to produce a record of leading personalities and work done by the Association during that period. The foreward of the book was by Mr. Austin Kirkup Esq., who was President of the Association from 1928-1948 and reads as follows:

It is appropriate that the story of the Lumley and Burnmoor Nursing Association should be told for it is the record of a communal welfare work which has been of great value to this small corner of Durham over many years.From small beginnings 50 years ago and over some difficult periods it steadily grew in size and in usefulness until it became one of the largest and most prosperous in the County. Mr. Andrew Lee, who has been closely associated with the work of the Association from almost the beginning has told the story in simple words, and I am glad to contribute this Foreward to his interesting narrative. In doing so it is gratifying to record a tribute to Mr. Lee - no doubt ably assisted by Mrs. Lee - as one who, although holding many public appointments, yet found time and energy to pilot the Nursing Association through many periods of depression. This will never be forgotten by those who worked with him. For one who has devoted himself all his life to the interests of the community in which he lived, no quotation is more applicable than "Bear ye one another's burdens" Mr. Lee can assuredly look back on a fine life of service embracing just that text. In this Jubilee Year of the Old Association, a chapter in the history of Home Nursing closes and a new one begins on a National basis. As one of the old order, I wish every success and "God Speed"; to the National Nursing Movement in the years to come.

The Origins of the Association, as told by Mr. Andrew Lee, 1948:

The Dowager Countess of Scarborough was a gentle lady, advanced in years, who resided at the ancient seat of Lumley Castle. Her generosity, kindly interest and her sympathy with the peoples of the two Lumleys - Great and Little - was proverbial. She was in a real sense, the "Lady of the Manor". In March, 1898 she sent out invitations to a small number of residents in the area to meet her at the castle to discuss the desirability of having a district nurse appointed for the two townships. This meeting took place on 29th March, 1898, the following responded to the invitation: Mrs. H.W. Stewart, Mrs. Stobart, Mrs. Dodds, Mrs. Errington, Miss Crawford, Miss Bicknell, Rev H.W. Stewart, Dr. Renton, Mr. T.C. Renwick, and Mr. R.E. Purvis. There was complete agreement on the proposal of the Countess and it was decided to hold a public meeting in the Boy's School in the village on 31st March. In spite of the very short notice, the public meeting was well attended. The Countess, who presided, made her proposals as she had made them a few days previously, which, after discussion, were unanimously agreed to in the following resolution:- Proposed by Robert Turner, seconded by Wiliam Hawking, that ";A nursing association be formed and a nurse be appointed as early as possible". At this meeting the following officers and committee were appointed: President, Dowager Countess of Scarborough; Chairman, Rev. H.W. Stewart; Secretary and Treasurer, Mr. R.E. Purvis; Committee, Mrs. Austin, Mrs. H.W. Stewart, Mrs. T.C. Renwick, Mrs. T. Shanks, Mrs. M. Dodds and Miss Crawford. The majority attending the meeting were men of the village who offered themselves as volunteers to carry out a resolution that "the whole area be canvassed for subscribers". It is pleasant to record the names of the men who, in the course of their canvas, introduced the idea of home nursing to the general public:- Wm. Hawking, Robert Turner, Richard Dodds, Thomas Shanks, M. Haigh, J. Fletcher, Wm. Nelson, Robt. Ramshaw, Wm. Lee, Jos. Hartis, J. Henderson, John Fail, Jos. Lawson, T. Litherland, J. Miller, Wm. Bell and J. Chapplow. No time was lost in carrying out the resolution, for on July 25th 1898, at a meeting of the Committee, a motion confirming the appointment of Nurse Chisholm on a three-month's trial at ÂŁ1 1s. 0d per week plus one uniform per annum, was carried. By 1923, a large increase in population of Little Lumley made it abundantly clear that an additional nurse was required for that area. It also provided an opportunity to extend the Association's activities to include New Lambton, Burnmoor and Lambton Park. This was carried through by the willing co-opertation of the people of that district, supported by Mrs. H.M. Stobart, Rev. A.J. Gadd, Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Dawson, Miss Gray, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hind, and others. That same year Queen's Nurse Neal was appointed for the new district. In 1932, the service was further extended to include Bank Head and Chilton Moor.

The following is a list of Officials and Nurses who have served the Association 1898-1948:


1898-1907 - The Dowager Countess of Scarborough

1907-1927 - The Countess of Scarborough

1928-1948 - Austin Kirkup, Esq.


1898-1925 - Rev. H.W. Stewart

1925-1932 - Mr. T. Dodd

1932-1944 - Mr. J.E. Dawson

1944-1948 - Mr. Stanley Robinson


1898-1910 - Mr. R.E. Purvis

1910-1927 - Mr. J.B. Miller

1927-1941 - Mr. J.H. Scott

1941-1948 - Mr. T. Robson


1898-1910 - Mr. R.E. Purvis

1910-1921 - Mr. T. Willis

1921-1948 - Mr. A. Lee



1898-1901 - Nurse Chisholm

1901-1905 - Nurse Davison

1906-1908 - Nurse McBrien

1908-1909 - Nurse Frith

1910-1922 - Queen's Nurse Farquharson

1922-1924 - Queen's Nurse Hay

1924-1928 - Queen's Nurse Binks

1928-1948 - Queen's Nurse Jones

Burnmoor and Woodstone Village:

1923-1937 - Queen's Nurse Neal

1937-1940 - Queen's Nurse Muter

1940-1942 - Queen's Nurse McQue

1942-1946 - Queen's Nurse Johnson

1946-1948 - Queen's Nurse Hamilton

Chilton Moor:

1932-1948 - Queen's Nurse Rontree

1948 - 1948 - Nurse Curran


Patrons - The Earl and Countess of Durham, The Earl and Countess of Scarborough

President - Mr. Austin Kirkup

Chairman - Mr. Stanley Robinson

Vice-chairman - Mr. E. Hind

Hon. Treasurer - Mr. A. Lee

Hon. Secretary - Mr. T. Robson

Auditor - Mr. J.A.E. Smith, Chester-le-Street


Mesdames R. Willis, S.E. Moody, E. Moody, J. Lowery, W. Bulmer, J. Moore, W. Blake, E. Charlton, J.W. Charlton, J. Barnes, E. Rowe, W. Coulson, E. Hind, P. Standish, J. Wardhaugh, Wilkinson, Rance, S. Robinson, R. McLaren, G. Stark, G. Forster, E. Gleadhill, T. Morgan, Miss B. Swinney and Miss Gray

Messrs. A.W. Henzell, S.F. Stokoe, G. Storey, C. Bell, G. Hood, A. Garland, G.E. Thompson, R. Stavers, E. Forster, S. Finch, G. Thwaites, A.C. Lowerson, S. Dixon, H.W. Meek, W. Milburn, B. Dodds


Lumley District: Mrs. Moorhead, Mrs. Lee

Woodstone Village: Mrs. G. Lowery, Mrs. S.E. Moody, Mr. G. Storey

Burnmoor: Mrs. E. Charlton, Miss Hind, Mrs. G. Stark, Mrs. S.E. Moody

Chilton Moor and Fencehouses: Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. Wilkinson, Mrs. Osman, Mr. E. Forster, Mr. G. Thwaites


Above: The Countess of Scarborough, President 1898-1906

Above: Austin Kirkup, President 1928-1948

Above: Rev. H.W. Stewart, Chairman 1898-1925

Above: Mr T. Dodd, Chairman 1925-1932

Above: Mr. J.E. Dawson, Chairman 1932-1944

Above: Mr. Stanley Robinson, Chairman 1944-1948

Above: Mr. R.E. Purvis, Secretary 1898-1910

Above: Mr. J.B. Miller, Secretary 1910-1927

Above: Mr. J.H. Scott, Secretary 1927-1941

Above: Mr. T. Robson, Secretary 1941-1948

Above: Mr. R.E. Purvis, Treasurer 1898-1910

Above: Mr. T. Willis, Treasurer 1910-1921

Above: Mr. A. Lee, Treasurer 1921-1948

Above: Nurse Davison, Lumley Nurse 1901-1905

Above: Queen's Nurse Farquharson, Lumley Nurse 1910-1922

Above: Queen's Nurse Hay, Lumley Nurse 1922-1924

Above: Queen's Nurse Binks, Lumley Nurse 1924-1928

Above: Queen's Nurse Jones, Lumley Nurse 1928-1948

Above: Queen's Nurse Neal, Burnmoor & Woodstone Village 1923-1937

Above: Nurse Muter, Burnmoor & Woodstone Village, 1937-1940

Above: Queen's Nurse McQue, Burnmoor & Woodstone Village, 1940-1942

Above: Queen's Nurse Johnson, Burnmoor & Woodstone Village, 1942-1946

Above: Queen's Nurse Hamilton, Burnmoor & Woodstone Village 1946-1948

Above: Queen's Nurse Rontree, Chilton Moor 1932-1948

Above: Queen's Nurse Curran, Chilton Moor 1948-1948