
Ukrainian Butterflies from "ALEXANOR"

(Company for Scientific Implementation, CFSI)

S c i e n t i f i c.....P r o j e c t:

Long - Term Monitoring of Papilionoidea & Hesperioidea (Lepidoptera, Insecta) Populations of West Ukraine.

Photo 2. Male of Aphantopus hyperantus L. on flower of Succisa pratensis. 17. July. 1998, section N4, site Zarichevo-4, 48°46' 22°33', NE, Transcarpathia.

Photo made by the author of this homepage.

Distribution map in SW Ukraine is available.



This page was created for "ALEXANOR" (Company for Scientific Implementation)

by S.G. Popov (Last update April 24, 2014)