alveus Bukovcevo-3 S5 2011_08_03-14

Ukrainian Butterflies from "ALEXANOR"

(Company for Scientific Implementation, CFSI)

S c i e n t i f i c.....P r o j e c t:

Long - Term Monitoring of Papilionoidea& Hesperioidea (Lepidoptera, Insecta) Populations of West Ukraine.

Photo 1. Pyrgus alveus Hubn. on leaf of grass, 3. August. 2011, section N5, Bukovcevo-3, N48.82411 E22.69247, Transcarpathia.




Photo made by the author of this homepage.



Distribution map in SW Ukraine is available.




© 1991-2014 ALEXANOR CFSI


This page was created for "ALEXANOR" (Company for Scientific Implementation )


by S.G. Popov (Last update January 19, 2014)


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