
Current butterfly links:


Butterflies Starting Page

by Henk van Nieuwenhoven. The best butterfly websites availble on the Internet

European butterfly recording

The aim of this web site and forum is to facilitate communication between butterfly recorders and those running recording schemes or gathering data for academic research. Butterfly Conservation (UK) offered to set up the site in response to requests from delegates from many European countries

at its International Symposium in 2002.

Global conservation projects       

European butterfly conservation

Butterfly Networks. Not all butterfly species are endangered - yet :

        Earth video:

La belle verte




*A list of butterflies with more than a hundred species for SW Ukraine with their scientific, English, German, Hungarian, Russian and Ukrainian names is available.

*Bibliography. Information on literature sources about butterflies in SW Ukraine territory is available.

This page was created for "ALEXANOR" (Company for Scientific Implementation )

by S.G. Popov (Last update January 11, 2014)

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