Mental accounting & choice bracketing


Behavioral & Experimental Economics

Goals and self-regulation

Mental accounting and choice bracketing

Bounded Rationality in Choice over Effort and Money (with Thomas Epper, and Julia Nafziger), working paper coming soon.

Motivational goal bracketing with Non-Rational Goals (with Julia Nafziger) Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics,  2021,  94,  101740. [pdf] [working paper version

Motivational goal bracketing: An experiment (with Julia Nafziger) Journal of Economic Theory, 2020, 185 [pdf] [working paper version] 

Correlates of narrow bracketing (with Julia Nafziger), 2019, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 121, 1441-1472. [pdf] [working paper version]

Goals and Bracketing under Mental Accounting (with Julia Nafziger) Journal of Economic Theory, 2016, 162, 305–351 [pdf] [working paper version]


Social preferences

Buyer reputation in auctions 

Belief elicitation in experiments

Career concerns incentives


Behavioral Economics of Education

Evolutionary Psychology

Contract Theory, Incentives & Personnel Economics

Mobility and earnings growth

Incentive effects of hierarchical placement

Career concerns and the design of organizations/explicit incentives