Social Preferences


Behavioral & Experimental Economics

Goals and self-regulation

Mental accounting and choice bracketing


Social preferences

Do Economists Punish Less? (with Jonas Pilgaard Kaiser and Kasper Selmar Pedersen), Games, 2018, 9(4), 75 [paper, online supplement]

Preferences and beliefs in a sequential social dilemma: A within-subjects analysis (with Mariana Blanco, Dirk Engelmann, and Hans-Theo Normann ) Games and Economic Behavior, 2014, 87, 122–135 [pdf] [working paper version]

Giving in dictator games: Regard for others or regard by others? (with Hans-Theo Normann) Southern Economic Journal, 2008, 75(1), 223-231. [pdf] [working paper version]

Buyer reputation in auctions

Belief elicitation in experiments

Career concerns incentives


Behavioral Economics of Education

Evolutionary Psychology

Contract Theory, Incentives & Personnel Economics

Mobility and earnings growth

Incentive effects of hierarchical placement

Career concerns and the design of organizations/explicit incentives