



草稿 2024a.

Air quotes in American TV shows. データセット, 名古屋大学.(2/19更新)

草稿 2024b.

Ideophones can be more reliable than metaphors in Japanese pain descriptions. Nagoya University.

草稿 2024c. (w/ Mutsumi Imai [1])

Sound symbolism.

草稿 2023.

Brightness of voice quality. 名古屋大学.

草稿 2020a.

「語頭に重音節を持つ和語動詞:関係形態論の観点から」名古屋大学.(8/17更新, 付録

草稿 2020b.

Notes on the ideophonic protolanguage hypothesis. 名古屋大学.(12/22更新)

草稿 2020c.

Quantifying the sound-symbolic system of Japanese ideophones. 名古屋大学.(データセット

草稿 2020d.

System integration of Japanese ideophones. 名古屋大学.

草稿 2018.

Sounds of Japanese personal names from 1912 to 2017. 名古屋大学.

草稿 2017a.

The linguistic relativity of sound effect symbolism: The case of Japanese and American animated cartoons. 名古屋大学.

草稿 2017b.


草稿 2016. (w/ Jiyeon Park [1])

How special is the acquisition of iconic expressions?: A corpus-based study of mimetics in Japanese and Korean. 名古屋大学.

草稿 2012.

Frame phonosemantics: A frame-semantic approach to Japanese mimetics. Proceedings of the Czuczor-Fogarasi Conference. (Hungarian version published in 2013.)

草稿 2010.

A constructionist account of euphonic verbs in Japanese. カリフォルニア大学バークレー校.

草稿 2005~2010a.

A bibliography of sound-symbolic phenomena in Japanese. 東京大学. 

草稿 2005~2010b.

A bibliography of sound-symbolic phenomena in other languages. 東京大学.



「オノマトペの多感覚性と『共感覚的比喩』」『メタファー研究』3: xxx-xxx. ひつじ書房.


Studying Japanese mimetics. In Jeffrey P. Williams (ed.), Capturing Expressivity: Methods, Techniques and Contexts, xxx-xxx. New York: Oxford University Press.

近刊c. (w/ 松澤和宏 [編], 井島正博, 加藤重広, 野村益寛)


2024a. (w/ Bonnie McLean [2], Jiyeon Park [3], Arthur Lewis Thompson [4])

Iconicity mediates semantic networks of sound symbolism. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 155(4): 2687-2697.

2024b. (4月号〜)



「オノマトペの言語科学」『ラボの世界』305: 10. ラボ国際交流センター.

2023a. (w/ 今井むつみ [1])

『言語の本質:ことばはどう生まれ、進化したか』中央公論新社.(特設サイト婦人公論.jpPRESIDENT Online第6回八重洲本大賞新書大賞2024

2023b. (w/ Mutsumi Imai [1])

The iconicity ring hypothesis bridges the gap between symbol grounding and linguistic relativity. Topics in Cognitive Science 15: 676-682. DOI: 10.1111/tops.12671


「日本語におけるオノマトペ動詞の語性と体系性」 沈力(編)『類型論から見た「語」の本質』209-235. ひつじ書房.

2023d. (w/ Hinano Iida [1])

Perceptual strength norms for 510 Japanese words, including ideophones: A comparative study with English. In Micah Goldwater, Florencia K. Anggoro, Brett K. Hayes, and  Desmond C. Ong (Eds.), Proceedings of the 45th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2023), 2201-2207. (OSF)

2023e. (w/ Julián Villegas [1], Shigeto Kawahara [3])

Psychoacoustic features explain subjective size and shape ratings of pseudo-words. Proceedings of the 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association: Forum Acusticum 2023.

2022a. (w/ Keiko Murasugi [2])

Binomial adjective doublets in Japanese: A Relational Morphology account. Morphology 32: 281-297. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11525-022-09395-z

2022b. (w/ Mutsumi Imai [1], Sotaro Kita [3], Noburo Saji [4], Masato Ohba [5], & Miki Namatame [6])

Deaf and hard-of-hearing people can detect sound symbolism: Implications for the articulatory origin of word meaning. In Andrea Ravignani et al. (eds.), The Evolution of Language: Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Language Evolution, 325-332. Nijmegen: Joint Conference on Language Evolution.

2022c. (w/ Mutsumi Imai [2])

The iconicity ring model for sound symbolism. In Sara Lenninger, Olga Fischer, Christina Ljungberg, and Elżbieta Tabakowska (eds.), Iconicity in Cognition and across Semiotic Systems, 27-45. (Iconicity in Language and Literature 18.) Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

2022d. (w/ Keiko Murasugi [2])

Innovative binomial adjectives in Japanese food descriptions and beyond. In Kiyoko Toratani (ed.), The Language of Food in Japanese: Cognitive Perspectives and Beyond, 111-132. (Converging Evidence in Language and Communication Research 25.) Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

2022e. (共編者:Kaoru Horie, Yusuke Kubota, David Y. Oshima, & Akira Utsugi)

Japanese/Korean Linguistics, Vol. 29. Stanford: CSLI Publications.

2022f. (w/ Yo Matsumoto [1], Anna Bordilovskaya, Kiyoko Eguchi, Hiroaki Koga, Miho Mano, Ikuko Matsuse, Takahiro Morita, Naonori Nagaya, Kiyoko Takahashi, Ryosuke Takahashi, & Yuko Yoshinari)

Linguistic representations of visual motion: A crosslinguistic experimental study. In Laure Sarda and Benjamin Fagard (eds.), Neglected Aspects of Motion-Event Description: Deixis, Asymmetries, Constructions, 43-67. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.


「オノマトペの意味のファセット性」松本曜・小原京子(編)『フレーム意味論の貢献:動詞とその周辺』213-227. 開拓社.

2022h. (w/ 内村直之 [ファシリテータ])


2021a. (w/ Keiko Murasugi [1])

Binomial adjectives in Japanese. Nanzan Linguistics 16: Research Results and Activities 2020, 67-80. Aichi: Nanzan University.

2021b. (w/ 堀江薫 [1]・北野浩章 [3])



「日語のオノマトペと言語類型論」窪薗晴夫・野田尚史・プラシャント=パルデシ・松本曜(編)『日本語研究と言語理論から見た言語類型論』49-73. 開拓社.(英訳


「日本語の人名における表記の冗長性:関係形態論の観点から」『国立国語研究所論集』21: 1-13. 国立国語研究所.


「オノマトペの『不自然』な音象徴」早稲田文学会(編)『早稲田文学 2021年春号』24-36. 筑摩書房.

2021f. (w/ ボニー=マクリーン)

「音象徴知覚の日英対照:意味地図による検討」篠原和子・宇野良子(編)験認知言語学の深化』165-189. ひつじ書房.


Phonation types matter in sound symbolism. Cognitive Science 45(5): e12982. DOI: 10.1111/cogs.12982


A typology of depiction marking: The prosody of Japanese ideophones and beyond. Studies in Language 45(4): 865-886.(データセット

2020a. (w/ Yo Matsumoto [2])

A fine-grained analysis of manner salience: Experimental evidence from Japanese and English. In Yo Matsumoto and Kazuhiro Kawachi (eds.), Broader Perspectives on Motion Event Descriptions, 143-179. (Human Cognitive Processing 69.) Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

2020b. (w/ Arthur Lewis Thompson [1] & Youngah Do [3])

Iconicity ratings across the Japanese lexicon: A comparative study with English. Linguistics Vanguard 6(1): 20190088.


Japanese ideophones from a typological perspective. 『神戸言語学論叢』12: 1-11. 神戸大学.


Mimetic 'go'-verbs in Japanese. 松本曜教授還暦記念論文集刊行会(編)『認知言語学の羽ばたき:実証性の高い言語研究を目指して』68-81, 開拓社.


Modality-specificity of iconicity: The case of motion ideophones in Japanese. In Pamela Perniss, Olga Fischer, and Christina Ljungberg (eds.), Operationalizing Iconicity, 3-20. (Iconicity in Language and Literature 17.) Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

2020f. (Co-editors: 當野能之, 鈴木幸平, 森下裕三 (松本曜教授還暦記念論文集刊行会))



「オノマトペの音象徴性再訪」『日本認知言語学会論文集』20: 424-438.

2020h. (w/ 大堀壽夫 [1])


2020i. (w/ Jingyi Zhang [2] & Katsuo Tamaoka [3])

Systematic side of sound symbolism: The case of suffixed ideophones in Japanese. KLS Selected Papers 2: 1-16. Kansai Linguistic Society.(データセット; 発展版

2019a. (w/ Noburo Saji [1], Katerina Kantartzis [3], Sotaro Kita [4], & Mutsumi Imai [5])

Cross-linguistically shared and language-specific sound symbolism in novel words elicited by locomotion videos in Japanese and English. PLoS ONE 14(7): e0218707.

2019b. (w/ David Y. Oshima [1] & Shin-ichiro Sano [3])

Gradability, scale structure, and the division of labor between nouns and adjectives: The case of Japanese. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 4(1): 41. 1-36. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/gjgl.737


Ideophones. In Mark Aronoff (ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Linguistics. New York: Oxford University Press.(オノマトペに関するテーマ別重要文献紹介

2019d. (Co-editor: Prashant Pardeshi [2])

Ideophones, Mimetics and Expressives. (Iconicity in Language and Literature 16.) Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

2019e. (w/ Prashant Pardeshi [2])

Ideophones, mimetics, and expressives: Theoretical and typological perspectives. In Kimi Akita and Prashant Pardeshi (eds.), Ideophones, Mimetics and Expressives, 1-9. (Iconicity in Language and Literature 16.) Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

2019f. (w/ Mark Dingemanse)

Ideophones (mimetics, expressives). In Mark Aronoff (ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2019g. (w/ Keiko Murasugi [2])

Innovative bipartite adjectives in Japanese: A preliminary semantic description. Nanzan Linguistics 14: Research Results and Activities 2018: 1-7. 南山大学.


「教員コラム No. 102:チカチカッと光って消える花火」『月刊名大文学部』第104号, 1. 名古屋大学文学部.


Mimetics, gaze, and facial expression in a multimodal corpus of Japanese. In Kimi Akita and Prashant Pardeshi (eds.), Ideophones, Mimetics and Expressives, 229-247. (Iconicity in Language and Literature 16.) Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.


「オノマトペ」窪薗晴夫(編)『よくわかる言語学』192-201, ミネルヴァ書房.(第13章:「世界のオノマトペの分布」,「音象徴:サラサラとザラザラ」,「形態の類像性:コロコロ,コロッ,コロン,コロリ」,「オノマトペと『と』の分布」,「言語のオノマトペ起源説」)

2019k. (w/ 篠原和子 [1])

「音象徴・オノマトペと認知言語学」辻幸夫(編)『認知言語学大事典』405-415. 朝倉書店.

2019l. (w/ Hideyuki Hoshi [1], Nahyun Kwon [2], & Jan Auracher [4])

Semantic associations dominate over perceptual associations in vowel–size iconicity. i-Perception 10(4): 1-31.


「著書紹介:陳奕廷・松本曜著『日本語語彙的複合動詞の意味と体系:コンストラクション形態論とフレーム意味論』」『国語研 ことばの波止場』Vol. 5, 15. 国立国語研究所.


The "dynamic" nature of stative mimetic verbs in Japanese. Journal of Cognitive Linguistics 2: 39-56.

2017b. (w/ Yo Matsumoto [1], Kiyoko Takahashi [3])

The functional nature of deictic verbs and the coding patterns of Deixis: An experimental study in English, Japanese, and Thai. In Iraide Ibarretxe-Antuñano (ed.), Motion and Space across Languages: Theory and Applications, 95-122. (Human Cognitive Processing 59.) Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.


「外国語にもオノマトペはあるの?」窪薗晴夫(編)『オノマトペの謎:ピカチュウからモフモフまで』(岩波科学ライブラリー261)65-85. 岩波書店.

2017d. (Co-editors: Noriko Iwasaki [1], Peter Sells [2])

The Grammar of Japanese Mimetics: Perspectives from Structure, Acquisition, and Translation. (Routledge Studies in East Asian Linguistics 1.) London: Routledge.


Grammatical and functional properties of mimetics in Japanese. In Noriko Iwasaki, Peter Sells, and Kimi Akita (eds.), The Grammar of Japanese Mimetics: Perspectives from Structure, Acquisition, and Translation, 20-34. (Routledge Studies in East Asian Linguistics 1.) London: Routledge.

2017f. (w/ Mark Dingemanse [1])

An inverse relation between expressiveness and grammatical integration: On the morphosyntactic typology of ideophones, with special reference to Japanese. Journal of Linguistics 53(3): 501-532.


「国際的に活動する」(ワークショップ「世界に研究を発信する:若手研究者から見た意義と方法」)『日本認知言語学会論文集』17: 604-609. 日本認知言語学会.


The linguistic integration of Japanese ideophones and its typological implications. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 62, 2 (Structuring sensory imagery: Ideophones across languages and cultures): 314-334.


「オノマトペが教えてくれる言語の本質(知の未来へ:若手研究者の紹介)」『名大トピックス』No. 295, 13. 名古屋大学.


The typology of manner expressions: A preliminary look. In Iraide Ibarretxe-Antuñano (ed.), Motion and Space across Languages: Theory and Applications (Human Cognitive Processing 59), 39-60. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

2016a. (w/ Takeshi Usuki [2])

A constructional account of the "optional" quotative marking on Japanese mimetics. Journal of Linguistics 52(2): 245-275. (リポジトリ版)


「言語体系の中のオノマトペ」影山太郎(編)『レキシコンフォーラム』No. 7, 19-39. ひつじ書房.

2016c. (w/ Natsuko Tsujimura [2])

Mimetics. In Taro Kageyama and Hideki Kishimoto (eds.), The Handbook of Japanese Lexicon and Word Formation, 133-160. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter Mouton.


A multimedia encyclopedia of Japanese mimetics: A frame-semantic approach to L2 sound-symbolic words. In Kaori Kabata and Kiyoko Toratani (eds.), Cognitive-Functional Approaches to the Study of Japanese as a Second Language (Studies on Language Acquisition 46), 139-168. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter Mouton.


「擬音語・擬態語」斎藤純男・田口善久・西村義樹(編)『明解言語学辞典』40-41. 三省堂.

2015b. (w/ Naoki Kiyama [1])

Gradability and mimetic verbs in Japanese: A frame-semantic account. In Proceedings of the Forty-First Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, 245-265. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Linguistics Society.

2015c. (Co-editors: Masako K. Hiraga [1], William J. Herlofsky [2], Kazuko Shinohara [3])

Iconicity: East Meets West. (Iconicity in Language and Literature 14.) Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.


Ideophones and reported discourse as depictive signs.『言語文化共同研究プロジェクト2014: 自然言語への理論的アプローチ』1-10. 大阪大学.

2015e. (w/ 平田佐智子 [1], 中村聡史 [2], 小松孝徳 [3])

「国会会議録コーパスを用いたオノマトペ使用の地域比較」『人工知能学会論文誌』30(1) (SP2-H): 274-281.




Sound symbolism. In Jan-Ola Östman & Jef Verschueren (eds.), Handbook of Pragmatics, Installment 2015 (24ページ). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

2015h. (w/ 佐治伸郎 [1], カテリナ=カンタルチス [3], 喜多壮太郎 [4], 今井むつみ [5])

「音象徴語に潜む言語普遍性と個別性:産出実験からのアプローチ」『日本認知言語学会論文集』15, 301-308.

2015i. (w/ Takeshi Usuki [1])

What's in a mimetic?: On the dynamicity of its iconic stem. In Masako K. Hiraga, William J. Herlofsky, Kazuko Shinohara, and Kimi Akita (eds.), Iconicity: East Meets West, 109-123. (Iconicity in Language and Literature 14.) Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.


「様態表現の類型論における様態の典型性」由本陽子・小野尚之(編)『語彙意味論の新たな可能性を探って』354-380, 開拓社.


Fictivity and frames in mimetic state expressions.『言語文化共同研究プロジェクト2013: 自然言語への理論的アプローチ』1-10. 大阪大学.

2014b. (w/ 畠山雄二 [編], 田中江扶, 谷口一美, 本田謙介, 内田聖二, 成瀬由紀雄)

『ことばの仕組みから学ぶ和文英訳のコツ』言語・文化選書46. 開拓社.

2014c. (w/ Satoshi Nakamura [2], Takanori Komatsu [3], Sachiko Hirata-Mogi [4])

A quantitative approach to mimetic diachrony. In Mikio Giriko, Naonori Nagaya, Akiko Takemura, and Timothy J. Vance (eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics, Vol. 22, 181-195. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.


Register-specific morphophonological constructions in Japanese. In Kayla Carpenter, Oana David, Florian Lionnet, Christine Sheil, Tammy Stark, and Vivian Wauters (eds.), Proceedings of the Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, 3-18. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Linguistics Society.


Review: Construction Morphology, by Geert Booij, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010. English Linguistics 31(1): 275-283.


Constraints on the semantic extension of onomatopoeia. The Public Journal of Semiotics 5(1): 21-37.

2013b. (w/ Noburo Saji [1], Mutsumi Imai [3], Katerina Kantartzis [4], Sotaro Kita [5])

Cross-linguistically shared and language-specific sound symbolism for motion: An exploratory data mining approach. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2013), 1253-1258.

2013c. (w/ Takeshi Usuki [1])

Fiction in an encyclopedia: A Generative Lexicon approach to fictive mimetic resultatives in Japanese. 福岡言語学会(編)『言語学からの眺望2013:福岡言語学会40周年記念論文集』308-321. 九州大学出版会.

2013d.(w/ Yoko Hasegawa [1], Russell Lee-Goldman [2], Albert Kong [3])

FrameNet as a resource for paraphrase research. In Mirjam Fried and Kiki Nikiforidou (eds.), Advances in Frame Semantics, 109-132. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.


Keret-hangjelentéstan: A japán utánzószavak keretjelentés alapú megközelíése [Frame phonosemantics: A frame-semantic approach to Japanese mimetics]. In Molnár Zsolt, Marácz László, and Molnárné Czeglédi Cecília (eds.), Fogalom, hang, gyök: És tanításuk, 100-114. Magyar Anyanyelvkutató és Tanításfejlesztô. (英語版)


「共起特性から見るオノマトペのフレーム意味論」篠原和子・宇野良子(編)『オノマトペ研究の射程:近づく音と意味』101-115. ひつじ書房.


The lexical iconicity hierarchy and its grammatical correlates. In Lars Elleström, Olga Fischer, and Christina Ljungberg (eds.), Iconic Investigations, 331-349. (Iconicity in Language and Literature 12.) Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

2013h. (w/ Mutsumi Imai [2], Noburo Saji [3], Katerina Kantartzis [4], Sotaro Kita [5])

Mimetic vowel harmony. In Bjarke Frellesvig and Peter Sells (eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics, Vol. 20, 115-129. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.


「オノマトペ・音象徴の研究史」篠原和子・宇野良子(編)『オノマトペ研究の射程:近づく音と意味』333-364. ひつじ書房.


「書評:鍋島弘治朗著『日本語のメタファー』」『日本語文法』12(2): 213-220.

2012b. (w/ 中村聡史 [2], 小松孝徳 [3], 平田佐智子 [4])



Phonosemantic evidence for the mimetic stratum in the Japanese lexicon. Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, 1-12. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Linguistics Society.


Toward a frame-semantic definition of sound-symbolic words: A collocational analysis of Japanese mimetics. Cognitive Linguistics 23(1): 67-90.


A constructionist analysis of emphatic mimetics in Japanese. KLS 31: Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Kansai Linguistic Society, 240-251. 関西言語学会.

2011b. (w/ Yoko Hasegawa [1], Russell Lee-Goldman [2], Albert Kong [3])

FrameNet as a resource for paraphrase research. Constructions and Frames 3(1): Special Issue on "Advances in Frame Semantics": 104-127.(2013に再出版.)


「擬音、擬態などその数1500語:関西人がドバーッと使う『オノマトペ』」『読売ファミリー』11月30日号, 3. 読売情報開発大阪.

2011d.(w/ 大堀壽夫, 古賀裕章, 山泉実)

マイケル・トマセロ(編)『認知・機能言語学:言語構造への10のアプローチ』. 東京: 研究社.(第1, 7, 9章担当)


Toward a phonosemantic definition of iconic words. In Pascal Michelucci, Olga Fischer, and Christina Ljungberg (eds.), Semblance and Signification, 3-18. (Iconicity in Language and Literature 10.) Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.


An embodied semantic analysis of psychological mimetics in Japanese. Linguistics: An Interdisciplinary Journal of the Language Sciences 48(6): 1195-1220.

2010b.(w/ 松本曜 [2], 小原京子 [3])

「移動表現の類型論における直示的経路表現と様態語彙レパートリー」 影山太郎(編)『レキシコンフォーラム』No. 5, 1-25. 東京: ひつじ書房.


Interview with JSPS Fellow in the U.S. JSPS San Francisco Newsletter, Vol. 18, 7. 日本学術振興会サンフランシスコ研究連絡センター.


The acquisition of the constraints on mimetic verbs in Japanese and Korean. In Yukinori Takubo, Tomohide Kinuhata, Szymon Grzelak, and Kayo Nagai (eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics, Vol. 16, 163-177. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications. 


Gradient integration of sound symbolism in language: Toward a crosslinguistic generalization. In Shoichi Iwasaki, Hajime Hoji, Patricia M. Clancy, and Sung-Ock Sohn (eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics, Vol. 17, 217-230. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications. 


A Grammar of Sound-Symbolic Words in Japanese: Theoretical Approaches to Iconic and Lexical Properties of Mimetics. 博士論文, 神戸大学. (PDF; 正誤表

2009d.(w/ 松本曜 [2], 小原京子 [3])

「移動事象は日英語話者にどう聞こえどう見えるのか:移動表現の類型論における音象徴語の位置付け」 『神戸言語学論叢』6: 1-19. 神戸大学.

2009e.(w/ 竹安大 [1])

Statistical information in phonological acquisition: Correlations between phoneme distribution and markedness. 『音韻研究』12: 51-58. 東京: 開拓社. 


The dative paradox: The case of Japanese psych-verbs. 影山太郎(編)『レキシコンフォーラム』No. 4, 91-112. 東京: ひつじ書房. 


「音象徴語の『範疇化問題』への一つの答え:田守・スコウラップ(1999)へのリプライ」 『日本認知言語学会論文集』8: 428-438. 日本認知言語学会.


Two cognitive subsystems of sound symbolism in Japanese. KLS 28: Proceedings of the Thirty-Second Annual Meeting of Kansai Linguistic Society, 23-33. 関西言語学会.


One experience viewed in two ways: A viewpoint approach to the case marking patterns of Japanese psych-verbs. 影山太郎(編)『レキシコンフォーラム』No. 3, 283-297. 東京: ひつじ書房. 


The “Embodied” Semantics of Japanese Psych Mimetics. 修士論文, 神戸大学. (出版版) 


Embodied semantics of Japanese psychomimes. KLS 26: Proceedings of the Thirtieth Annual Meeting of Kansai Linguistic Society, 45-55. 関西言語学会. (発展版: 2010a)


Tastes worth mentioning. Readers in council, The Japan Times, 18 September 2005.


Some Semantic Properties of Unergative Psych Verbs: Activity of Worry and Stativity of Be Worried. 卒業論文, 愛知県立大学.(出版版