Workshops on Mimetics (Ideophones, Expressives)

This is an international workshop series based in Nagoya, Japan. Its goal is to contribute to typological and developmental discussions on mimetics (a.k.a. ideophones, expressives). Our research questions include the following:

  • What makes a language abound in mimetics?

  • What resides in the crosslinguistic and diachronic diversity of mimetic syntax?

  • How do mimetics help children to acquire language? Why?

This workshop series is partly supported by research grants from the Nanzan University Center for Linguistics, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (#17K02752, "The grammar and acquisition of mimetics: A Generative Grammar approach", PI: Keiko Murasugi (Nanzan University)), and Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) (#15K16741, "An empirical pragmatic study of ideophones based on audiovisual corpora", PI: Kimi Akita (Nagoya University)).

IV. Parameters and Mimetics

(January 11, 2021, Zoom/Nanzan University + Nagoya University, Nagoya)

Kimi Akita (Nagoya University)

"On the ideophonic protolanguage hypothesis"

Michael Barrie (Sogang University)

"Mimetics in Siouan and Athabaskan"

Koji Kawahara (Nagoya University of Foreign Studies)

"Forming the mimetic predicate"

Keiko Murasugi and Kimi Akita (Nanzan University/Nagoya University)

"Binomial adjectives in Japanese"


Peter Sells (University of York)

Shin-Sook Kim (University of York)

IV. Universality and Language Specificity

(May 9-10, 2020, Nanzan University, Nagoya)


III. Crucibles of Mimetics

(August 3, 2019, Nanzan University, Nagoya)

Noriko Iwasaki (Nanzan University)

"Mimetic verbs in motion event description in Japanese"

Bonnie McLean (Australian National University)

"Advances in the cross-linguistic typology of ideophones: Rethinking and moving beyond the implicational hierarchy"

Arthur Lewis Thompson1, Nicolas Collignon2, and Youngah Do1 (1University of Hong Kong/2University of Edinburgh)

"Articulatory features of phonemes pattern to iconic meanings: Evidence from ideophones across several languages" (withdrawn)

Thomas Van Hoey (National Taiwan University)

"Defining Chinese ideophones: A family of constructions"

Keiko Murasugi (Nanzan University) and Kimi Akita (Nagoya University)

"Mimetic predicates in the VP-shell hypothesis"

Kiyoko Toratani (York University)

"An RRG account of verb-less/argument-less sentences of ideophones"

II. New Approaches to Old Questions

(November 11, 2017, Nanzan University, Nagoya)

Polly E. Szatrowski (University of Minnesota)

"乳製品の試食会におけるオノマトペ [Mimetics in dairy taster brunches]"

Emily Lake (Stanford University)

"Bringing social meaning into ideophones and iconicity research"

Arthur L. Thompson (University of Hong Kong)

"Etymologically epenthetic vowels in Japanese iconic forms"

Thomas Van Hoey (National Taiwan University)

"Chinese ideophones in historical corpora: A case study of mental space markers"

Kimi Akita (Nagoya University)

"The low iconicity of mimetic reduplication in Japanese"

Rebekah Baglini (Stanford University)

"Ideophones and the expressive dimension"

Keiko Murasugi (Nanzan University)

"Acquisition of mimetics: Evidence from the root infinitives"

Kimi Akita, William J. Herlofsky (Nagoya Gakuin University), & Mamoru Saito (Nanzan University)

General discussion

I. Toward a Typology of Mimetics

(September 9, 2017, YIC Kyoto Polytechnic College, Kyoto)

Kimi Akita (Nagoya University)

Crosslinguistic comparison

Masahiro Ono (Meiji University)


Koko Takeda (Ritsumeikan University)


Keiko Murasugi (Nanzan University)

L1 acquisition

Haruo Kubozono (NINJAL)

General remarks

Maki Sakamoto (University of Electro-Communications)
