United Arab Emirates

Date for ruling in sham mass trial set- URGENT ACTION UPDATE - 05/06/2024

The tenth and final session in the grossly unfair trial of 84 Emirati men , including human rights defenders and prisoners of conscience Ahmed Mansoor, Mohammed al-Roken and Nasser bin Ghaith, took place on 09 May 2024 before the federal appeal court in Abu Dhabi. The judge set 10 July  to issue the verdict. Read more.

The mass trial, flagrantly violates the defendants' fair trial rights and disregards the fundamental legal principle by re-trying some defendents for the same charges they were convicted of a decade ago. Read more.

Amnesty International was among a number of organisations to urgently appeal the United Nations special procedures, United Nations member states and the European Union to call on the Unied Arab Emirates to drop abusive terrorism charges against the 84 Emiratis. Read more.

Activist's mother dies while he serves his prison sentence for Facebook posts - JOINT OPEN LETTER - 14/02/2024

The United Arab Emirates should immediately free and quash the sentence of the arbitrarily imprisoned Jordanian activist Ahmed al-Atoum, whose mother passed away on 10 February 2024 without saying her final goodbye to her son. Read more.

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Updated 05/06/2024


Country coordinator - TBC