
Joint letter on human rights situation - JOINT OPEN LETTER - 30/05/2024

Ahead of and during the upcoming 56th session of the Human Rights Council. Amnesty International and 31 other organisations urged member states and observer states to raise concern over the human rights situation in Bahrain, particularly regarding the continued arbitrary detention of human rights defenders and opposition leaders in Bahrain, many of whom have been wrongly imprisoned since 2011. Read more.

Human rights activist faces trial for protesting travel ban - NEWS - 03/05/2024

Authorities in Bahrain must immediately drop the charges against Ali Husain al-Hajee, a human rights activist who was released in June 2023 after seving a ten-year sentence for organising and participating in peaceful protests, then re-arrested on spurious charges five months later. Read more.

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Updated 30/05/2024


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