
Refugee at risk of forcible return released - URGENT ACTION UPDATE - 31/05/2024 - NEWS 17/05/2024

On 29 May 2024, Jordanian authorities released Syrian refugee and student journalist, Atiya Mohammad Abu Salem, after 50-days of holding him in arbitrary detention. On 09 April 2024, Jordanian security forces had arrested Atiya Mohammad Abu Salem while he was on his way to film pro-Gaza protests in Amman.  His lawyer was told the authorities had issued a deportation order for him to Syria, Read more.

Wael al-Ashi, 31 years old, was also detained during the sweeping crackdown on pro-Gaza protests. Amnesty International is calling on the Jordanian authorities to immediately halt the forcible deportation of the two men who would face credible risks of serious human rights violations if they are returned to Syria. Read more.

Stop cracking down on pro-Gaza protests - NEWS - 11/04/2024

The Jordanian authorities must immediately cease their crackdown on pro=Gaza protests and immediately release dozens of activists who have been illegally detained solely because of their peaceful criticism of the governments policy towards Israel. Read more.

Amnesty International had previously urged the authorities to end the sweeping crackdown that has seen hundreds of people arrested by security and intelligence forces since October 2023 for expressing their support for the rights of Palestinians in Gaza or criticising the governments policies towards Israel. Read more.

Activist facing trial before military court for Facebook post - URGENT ACTION - 22/03/2024

On 21 December 2023, the Jordanian authorities arrested Ayman Sanduka, a political activist and mathematics professor, in relation to a Facebook post addressed to the King in October 2023 in which he criticised Jordan's diplomatic relations with Israel. On 12 February 2024, a prosecutor at the State Security Court, an exceptional miliatry court, charged Ayman Sanduka with 'incitement to oppose the political regime' under Article 149 of the Penal Code. The Jordanian authorities must drop all charges and immediately and unconditionally release Ayman Sanduka as he is being prosecuted solely for exercising his right to freedom of expression. Take action.

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Updated 31/05/2024


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