
KR-I must immediately end their assault on press freedom - NEWS - 02/05/2024

The authorities of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KR-I) must end their assault on the right to freedom of expression and press freedom, including the arbitrary detention, beatings and grossly unfair trials of journalists. The hasrassment, intimidation and attacks against journalists have had a chilling effect on the right to freedom of expression and press freedom in the KR-I, with many journalists forced to flee or go into hiding or give up journalism altogether while many others remain in jail. Read more.

Free journalist Qahraman Shukri - URGENT ACTION - 24//04/2024

On 27 January 2021, security forces in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KR-I) arrested journalist Qahraman Shukri. On 23 June 2021, the Duhok Criminal Court sentenced him to seven years in prison following a grossly unfair, secret trial. Before his arrest, Qahraman Shukri's journalistm work was critical of Kurdish authorities' handling of Turkish airstrikes in the KR-I. The Court of Cassation upheld the seven-year setence in October 2023. Qahraman Shukri's arrest is in the context of a wider crackdown by Kurdish authorities on the rights to freedom of expression. He must be immediately and unconditionally released. Take action.

Repeal law criminalising same-sex relations - NEWS - 29/04/2024

The Iraqi authorities' passing of a law that penalises same-sex relations with up to 15 years in prison is yet another blow to the LGBTI community in the country. Read more.

At least 13 people executed amid alarming lack of transparency - NEWS- 24/04/2024

The Iraqi authorities must immediately halt all executions after at least 13 men were put to death on 22 April 2024 in Nasiriyah Central prison, in the southern governorate of Thi Qar, following their conviction on overly broad and vague terrorism charges. Read more.

Journalist released after three years' imprisonment - URGENT ACTION UPDATE - 26/02/2024

On 17 February 2024, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KR-I) authorities released journalist Guhdar Zebari after more than three years of unjust imprisonment. Authorities in the KR-I arrested Guhdar Zebari in October 2020 along with four other journalists and activists. The Erbil Criminal Court sentenced him to six years in prison following a grossly unfair trial marred by serious violations, including allegations of torture and the use of his torture-tainted confessions to convict him. He was scheduled for release in August 2023 after his sentence was commuted, but the authorities sentenced him to another six months on additional spurious charges intended to keep him behind bars. Read more.

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Updated  02/05/2024

Country coordinator - TBC