Palestine Authority

Justice remains elusive after the killing of Nizar Banat - NEWS - 24/06/2023

Two years after Palestinian dissident Nizar Banat died in the custody of Palestinian security forces, Palestinian authorities have failed to effectively investigate his death and ensure those responsible are held to account. The ongoing trial of 14 officers in relation to his arrest has made a mockery of impartiality and fairness. Read more.

Protect two Gaza women at grave danger - NEWS - 11/01/2023

Two Palestinian women have not been heard from since 06 January 2023 after the Palestinian security services in the Gaza Strip forced them back into the custody of their abusive father. Wissam al-Tawil, 24, and her sister Fatima al-Tawil, 20, have faced multiple forms of violence at the hands of their father, including beatings, death threats and 'interrogations' at gunpoint. Amnesty International is asking for proof that Wissam and Fatima al-Tawil are alive and safe and for the authorities in Gaza to grant them immediate protection from all forms of gender-based violence. The authorities in the Gaza Strip are obligated under Palestinian and international law to act with due diligence to prevent violence by private individuals against women and girls and to protect women and girls from it. Read more.

Amnesty documents

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Updated 24/06/2023


Country coordinators - Garry Ettle - and Bisher Poyil -