Chip Scanning Nemesis

Chip Scanning Nemesis

I have a Bellagio $20 Poker chip and an Excalibur $2.50 chip that are a bright fluorescent orange in color. I have spent way too much time trying to document this color. (I bought the Excalibur chip in 2005 and the Bellagio chip in 2008)

I have scanned both chips with my old Microtek ScanMaker 4800 scanner (a CCD type scanner) which I first bought in 2001.

I took photographs of both chips using my digital camera.

I scanned both chips with my Epson (CCD type scanner) which I purchased in 2011.

None could capture the real color of the bright fluorescent orange.

Finally, after countless attempts and frustration, I got a close to true color.

The below picture shows the Microtek ScanMaker 4800, a Digital Camera photo, Epson-Standard Settings and Epson-Custom Settings.

The Epson-Custom Settings shows as close to true color of these chips.

This color is still my nemesis unless I remember what "Custom Settings" I used. Usually I write down the steps I take so I won't forget how I got to a certain stage when scanning. Well, I took too many steps and forgot how I got there. One day I will try and retrace my steps so I can scan bright fluorescent orange colors again.

One thing I have noticed about the colors of my monitor. If I look at my monitor from the top looking down the color changes as I sit down.