Cheju Washington Hotel & Casino

Cheju Washington Hotel & Casino

Cheju Washington Hotel & Casino was located on Jeju Island (formerly spelled Cheju). Cheju Washington Hotel changed it's name to Crowne Plaza Hotel, unknown year.

This is a Coin-in-Center chip and is the same on both sides. It can be identified by two diamonds between each white insert along the edge. This chip was manufactured by The Bud Jones Co. in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Name Changes

These are pictures of hotels that evolved from Cheju Washington Hotel & Casino. The address of all four hotels are the same.

The picture of Cheju Washington Hotel is from a brochure. The address is written as 291-30 Yondong, Cheju, Korea. The spelling of both Yondong and Cheju has changed. Yondong is now spelled Yeondong and Cheju is now Jeju. It is unknown what year the hotel & casino opened.

Cheju Washington changed it's name to Crowne Plaza with renovations that included fire exit stairs that are exposed. It is unknown what year the name change took place.

Crowne Plaza changed it's name to NamSeoul Plaza with no apparent renovations to the exterior, unknown year.

NamSeoul Plaza changed it's name to T.H.E. Hotel & LVegas Casino on April 25, 2008 after extensive renovations which included enclosing the fire exit stairway.