Cheju Oriental Casino

Cheju Oriental Casino

Business Card

Casino Royal Palace Entrance in June 2014

The glare hid part of the casino name. Here's a picture of the name:

Casino Royal Palace is located in the Jeju Oriental Hotel in Jeju City, Jeju.

These Coin-In-Center chips were obtained from Casino Royal Palace in June 2014.

The chips are still spelled Cheju instead of the current spelling, Jeju.

I guess new chips for Casino Royal Palace were not ordered.

When I obtained these chips I got a few extras of the 1,000 won chip.

I noticed a couple were "well used" with numerous dents on the edge. The others were in like new condition.

I placed them side by side and noticed the orange and green colors were slightly different shades.

I also noticed the 1000 on the coin-in-center were also different.

The "well used" ones were 2.9 cm across and the new ones were 2.5 cm across.

Here's a side by side comparison:

You can see the dings and dents on the edges of the chip on the left. The right chip is like new.

The color is slightly different also.

Here's the measurement:

The left chip's 1000 measures 2.9 cm while the right chip's 1000 measures 2.5 cm.

I believe the left chip was originally ordered when Jeju was spelled Cheju. The right chip was a recent re-order and they kept the spelling of Cheju like the original order.

Here's the original order chip, possibly from prior to 2000 when the spelling of Cheju was changed to Jeju: