Korea Racing Authority

Korea Racing Authority

Korea Racing Authority is the body that controls horse racing in South Korea. There is a race course in Seoul, one in Busan and another on Jeju Island. There are no casinos in the race courses.

The Seoul location is in Gwacheon, accomodates up to 80,000 people and has a subway station right outside. It is on Subway Line 4 and the station is Seoul Racecourse Park. Emerging from the subway, racing news can be purchased from vendors like this gentleman.

He probably has all the racing news you'll need.

Inside there are two grandstands, Happyville & Luckyville. At one time Luckyville Grandstand had a Foreigner's Lounge.

There were betting slips and other info in English.

There was seating with a foreign passport as identification.

Cards were issued to identify your seats after signing in.

Inside the Foreigner's Lounge it was air conditioned and smoke-free.

There were huge video screens to watch the action when the horses were on the far side of the racetrack.

It also had a great view of the homestretch.

Visiting Seoul Racecourse Park is a great way to spend a day.
