Kangwon Land Hotel & Casino

Kangwon Land Hotel & Casino

In December of 1995 the South Korean government legalized gambling for domestic residents in Jeongson, Kangwondo. At one time it was a booming coal mining town but declined when oil & gas emerged as energy sources. Gambling was legalized to re-vitalize the area.

In October 2000 Kangwon Land Hotel & Casino opened and was immediately flooded with residents from South Korea. The casino was built in two stages and the main casino opened in March 2003. It is located about a four hour drive from Seoul.

Front Entrance in April 2006


These chips were obtained in April 2006 from the casino. The issue is unknown. I believe there is a new rack but it hasn't been confirmed.

1,000 won chip is available for trade or sale.

Kangwon Land Casino Key Ring Chips

These key ring chips were obtained from Kangwon Land Hotel & Casino. One side has Kangwon Land and the other side has High1, a hotel/condo on site. The chips were manufactured by Matsui Gaming Machines and came in a gray bag.

The top chip is green, yellow and light yellow in color and can be identified by a hole at the top. The bottom chip is beige, blue and light blue in color with a hole at the top.

Each chip can be identified by six dashes along the edge between each insert.

These chips are available for trade or sale.

Admission Ticket

Domestic residents of South Korea can gamble at this casino but there is an admission ticket charge of 5,000 won per person. If you show a foreign passport the admission charge is waived.

This is the admission ticket:

Kangwon Land MatchBox

This is a flattened matchbox from April 2006.

Kangwon Land Casino Slot Card

This is a slot card from April 2006. The photo and name have been blurred.

This slot card is available for trade or sale.

These two slot cards were issued by High1, a hotel/condo that is part of Kangwon Land Resort. The slot cards were used at Kangwon Land Casino.

Kangwon Land Room Keys

These two keys have a common back.

These keys are from High1, a hotel/condo that is part of the Kangwon Land Resort.

Kangwon Land Pen
