
You should italicize your keywords.

You should double check your formatting for submissions.



Please recheck your paper, including grammar, to ensure it is up to snuff. It is also important to have a native English speaker check it out. Please consider.


the number of siblings in the family:家族の兄弟の数

siblings 兄弟姉妹

Would you please let me know where to forward this request?:  


Who should I speak to about it?


Would you please let me know who should I speak to about it?


reindeer トナカイ

助かります。:I appreciate it.

Thanks so much. I appreciate it.

Sure/ No problem.

My pleasure / Happy to help  / Anytime.

★★  I'll see you around. じゃあ,また,

See you next week .

Maybe I'll see you next week.

B'bye , Take care, Nice talking to you.

Bye for now. では,いったん失礼します。

encrypted attachments:暗号化された添付ファイル

e.g. : たとえば,for example のこと,  (ラテン語でexemplī grātiā)

cf. : 比較せよ, 〜を参照 ,(ラテン語 confer, compare')

climate change : 気候変動(クライメ チェンジ)

Do you come here often?   ここにはよく来ますか?

Do you eat out often?  よく外食しますか?

Do you fly often?   よく飛行機に乗りますか?

Do you travel often?   よく旅行しますか?

What do you do for living?

I am a high school teacher.

I work for a hotel

I work for a Japanese manufacturing company.

I work in finance.

fulfill 全うする,果たす

As a city PR person, you have a key duty for fulfill.

Police has a duty for 

A catcher is the key position for any baseball team.

I look forward to greeting you at the breakfast table.


It is a tough nut to crack.