Cranks & Contraptions

Mechanical Engineering

Cranks and Contraptions explores mechanical engineering in activities designed to support knowledge and skills by exploring everyday metal objects. Pupils will learn to use pliers to bend, shape and cut metal materials and explore cranks, mechanics and leavers in a playful way. They will make a crankshaft in the skill builder and adapt it in tinker time to produce their own moving model.


Pupils are given a range of metal materials to explore. They will create an object, figure or picture out of their metal.


Pupils use pliers to cut and bend wire following the video tutorial to make a crankshaft.


Pupils create a moving model using the crankshaft they made in the skill builder activity.


Julian - Mechanical Engineer

These activity has been inspired by Julian, a Mechanical Engineer. To help children better understand what engineering is and what engineers do, it is important that they have the opportunity to meet one (even virtually!) Use this video to introduce a real engineer to your class.


Exploring metals

(approx. 30-60 mins)

The purpose of this exploration activity is to give pupils the opportunity to look closely at range of metal materials.

  • They will think about the properties of metals.

  • They will bend and shape them.

  • They will create an object, figure or picture out of their metal.

Use the resource slides to help pupils to think about metal as a material.

Let’s explore… metal
resources exploring metal

Check out these ideas below for exploring Metal in the classroom

Artwork out of metal

Metalwork mat

Building magentic metal robots

great for descriptive story telling or writing using models

Teacher Tips...

Watch this 7 min video showing how one teacher makes foil figures and uses them in his classroom to support storytelling

Take it further?

Can you create a Working with Metal collage to hang on the wall in your makerspace or classroom to remind you of how you can use metal in your projects?

Resources from Maker{kit}

  • Nuts and Bolts

  • Paper Clips

Resources from school

  • Food Cans

  • Foil

  • Pipe Cleaners

  • Magnets

  • Document clips

Using pliers for cutting & manipulating wire

(approx. 30-60 mins)

The aim of this skill builder activity is learn how to cut and bend wire to form a crankshaft to transform circular motion into up and down motion.

Pupils will learn about flat sided, needle nose and side cutting pliers and how to use them for cutting, bending curves and circles and right angles with wire.

Use the videos below to teach your class about pliers, to demonstrate wire bending and how to make a simple crankshaft toy.

Using pliers

Use this video to introduce these tools, how to use them safely and what they are used for.

Wire bending

Use this video to learn how to bend wire and to make a simple crankshaft.

Crankshaft toy

Use this video as a guide to making the base for a simple crankshaft toy

Resources from Maker{kit}

  • Gloves

  • Mini pliers set

  • Wire

  • Paperclips

  • Sandpaper

Resources from school

  • scissors

  • Small card boxes or paper cups

Combining curiosity and confidence with competence during the exploration and skill builder helps pupils to engage deeply with the iterative tinker time activity.

Watch this clip to find out how you can be an engineer volunteer!

Be an Engineer Volunteer!

Julian has been given an exciting project.

But he would like some assistance - can you help?

Build a moving model using a crankshaft

(approx 2-3 hours)

The aim of the tinker time activity is for children to use their new metal skills and knowledge in their own moving model.

Use the maker{cycle} slides to help pupils create a moving model using a crankshaft. This activity will help children become independent makers by developing their tinkering skills. Children will need to think about the kind of moving model they would like to make and which elements will move.

Models such as this don't always work perfectly first time. Children will need to build resilience by thinking like an engineer to find the problems and tinkering to make improvements.

Remember, it is not the final product that is important here. Focus on the process of making and findinding ways to improve your design.

Tinker Time: Cranks and Contraptions

Resources from Maker{kit}

  • Wire

  • Pliers

  • Pipe cleaners

Resources from school

  • Small boxes or paper cups

  • Glue sticks

  • Cardboard

  • Thin card

More inspiration?

Feeling stuck, overwhelmed or just have a question?

We understand that there are elements of these projects that may be new to you or that you feel unsure about having a go at. If there are things you are unsure about or want to ask questions, please email Alison Buxton so we can support you.

Don't forget to take lots of photos and videos for your show reel to show at our celebration event.

When you have completed your projects - please submit your teacher and pupil feedback forms.

Have fun!

Risk Assessment

RA Cranks and Contraptions.pdf

Use this risk assessment to support your planning and delivery of the Cranks and Contraptions project