Think Like an Engineer: 4 stages

What to do next

There are 4 stages to completing the Think like an Engineer programme at your school:

  1. Gain an insight into the 'Think like an Engineer' programme and Maker{School} by reading the introductory guides

  2. Complete the pre-project questionnaire

  3. Choose your class project and complete it with your pupils

  4. Pupil and teacher feedback & celebration event

More information about each stage can be found below

Think Like an Engineer - Project Information

1. Gain an insight into the 'think like an engineer' programme and Maker{School}

The document (left) and the website provide information on the Think like an Engineer programme you are involved in.

This programme fits into a much larger initiative for schools called Maker{School}. To find out more about the Maker{School} approach, an introduction guide can be found here.

We would love to get responses from all the adults involved in the project.

2. Complete the pre-project questionnaire

Before you begin your Maker{school} adventure please spend 10 minutes completing this google form.

We would like to know a little more about your experience of teaching practical activities and what you hope to gain from your involvement.

Thank you

Projects at a glance

3. Choose your class project

a.) Get an overview. Take a look at the Projects at glance document to see all the projects to choose from.

b.) For more detail about the projects. Navigate to the Projects page. Each project is divided into three key sections - Exploration, Skill builder, and Tinker time.

c.) Once you have chosen your project. Collect your resources from the Maker{Kit} and get started!.

You can find out how to complete the feedback here

4. Pupil & teacher feedback

This project has been funded by The Royal Academy of Engineering, who are keen to see evidence of the impact their contribution has made.

Following the project, we also intend to compile a report containing insights from teachers and pupils together with a range of photos and videos showing what the children have been doing.

Feedback from pupils and teachers is vital for ensuring the sustainability of the Maker{futures} project and helps us provide evidence of its impact for future funding.

Many thanks

Where now?

Go back to details and timescale

Find out more about the feedback process

Take a look at the Maker{Kit} resources

Help and support can be found here


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