Eco Animation

Environmental Engineering

Eco Animation explores environmental engineering in activities designed to develop understanding of the environmental impact of our houses and skills of digital animation. The exploration uses game based learning to develop knowledge of eco features and supports students to complete their own eco audit. The skill builder develops the technical digital skills required for tinker time where pupils will combine their knowledge of eco houses and skills of animation to become digital filmmakers.


Pupils play eco trump cards to explore how clever engineering can help save energy and be more environmentally friendly. They will carry out their own eco audit of school or home, giving them ideas for Tinker Time.


Pupils learn about stop motion animation and develop their practical skills in preparation for Tinker Time.


Pupils will become digital makers and produce a short stop motion animation film to highlight an aspect of eco houses.


Sally - Environmental Engineer

This project has been inspired by Sally, an Environmental Engineer. To help children better understand what engineering is and what engineers do, it is important that they have the opportunity to meet one (even virtually!) Use this video to introduce a real engineer to your class.

  1. Eco trump cards

(approx 30 mins)

eco trumps.pdf

a) Play our Eco-trump game (in the maker{kit})

Play Eco Trump cards to explore the wide range of eco products that can be applied to domestic houses to help save energy and be more environmentally friendly.

Eco Trumps Teacher Resource

b) Use our teacher resources slide for some more ideas

Are there any cards that you would change? (Maybe change the ratings for a card, or add another card, take one out, or include another way to play!)

c) Send us your ideas using this form

Tell us your reasons and we’ll add your names to the developers of this activity on our website!

Primary Eco-School Audit

Eco School Audit

Shorter Eco-School Audit

Eco School Audit (simple version)

2. Exploring Eco Features

(approx. 1 hour)

Pupils will carry out their own school Eco Audit using this simple tick sheet

We have also included a simplified version

Pupils can then use the Eco trump cards to suggest improvements

The final questions asked pupils to think about what problem they would like to focus on for their Tinker Time

Take it further?

Can pupils provide solutions including costs & justification?

Resources from Maker{Kit)

  • Ecohouse Trumps card game

  • Eco School Audit

skill builder stop motion animation
  1. What is stop motion animation?

(approx. 0.5 hours)

Use the google slides to show pupils different types of stop motion animation

  1. Stop motion animation challenge

(approx. 1 hour)

Use the google slides to set pupils the challenge of producing a 5 second stop motion animation using the objects on their desks.

Resources from school

  • Props

  • Background

  • Tablets or Laptops

  • Tripod or stand (pupils can make their own out of cardboard or Lego)

  • Stop motion app

Which stop motion app should I use?

  • There are lots of specialist apps available for mobile devices, but you can also use a digital camera and built-in movie maker features such as video editor in Windows 10. For a very simple approach you can even use PowerPoint or Google Slides. Some of our favourite apps are:

  • Stop Motion Studio (android/iOS) - Free app that also includes green screen. There is also Stop Motion Studio Pro with all features enabled for approx £5 for multiple devices.

  • iMovie (iOS)

Watch this clip to find out how you can be an engineer volunteer!

Be an Engineer Volunteer!

Sally has been given an exciting engineering project to work on.

But she would like some assistance. Can you help?

Eco Animation

(approx. 2-3 hours)

In this project, pupils will become digital makers and produce a short stop motion animation film to highlight one of the following in their school or home:

  • How the physical building could be changed to be more Eco-friendly


  • How resources (water, energy etc) could be used more efficiently

What type of film could they make?

  1. A film to encourage people to take action (e.g. use less water - turn off taps)

  2. An advertisement to promote a product or service that helps one of the actions (e.g. living green roof)

  3. A ‘what if’ campaign film to show what changes could happen if we took positive action (e.g. money saved on energy bills could buy more play equipment for school)

Tinker Time stop motion animation

Tinker Time: slides

Use these slides to support the Tinker Time stop motion animation project

Stop motion animation: Top tips

Animation tips

Use this to help your pupils with their stop motion animation

Self Reflection

Self Reflection

Use this to help pupils to reflect on their work

How does stop motion animation benefit pupils?

Stop motion uses simple technology so they can produce a complete film in a short amount of time. The constraints of stop motion animation encourages problem solving and focussed storytelling. It also develops skills of iteration through trying and testing.

Pupils will screen their and critique the films produced by their peers. By screening the films, pupils will have an authentic audience which is a powerful motivational driver. Take a look at the 'Why is screening important?' slides which give an overview of your screening options. If you need more help or advice email Alison Buxton

Screening films produced by pupils

Resources from school

  • Props

  • Background

  • Tablets or Laptops

  • Stop motion app

  • Desk Lamps (optional)

Feeling stuck, overwhelmed or just have a question?

We understand that there are elements of these projects that may be new to you or that you feel unsure about having a go at. If there are things you are unsure about or want to ask questions, please email Alison Buxton so we can support you.

Don't forget to take lots of photos and videos for your show reel to show at our celebration event.

When you have completed your projects - please submit your teacher and pupil feedback forms.

Have fun!

Risk Assessment

RA Eco Animation.pdf

Use this risk assessment to support your planning and delivery of the Eco Animation project