
Pupil & teacher feedback

We really want to know what you think! Your insights are so valuable for helping us to make the project even better.

This project has been funded by The Royal Academy of Engineering, who are keen to see evidence of the impact their contribution has made. Following the project we intend to compile a report containing insights from teachers and pupils together with a range of photos and videos showing what the children have been doing. This will be featured on our website.

Feedback from pupils and teachers is vital for ensuring the future of the Maker{futures} project and helps us provide evidence of its impact for future funding and to offer this programme to other schools.

We appreciate that it may be difficult to complete all the feedback for all pupils and staff. Don't worry - partially completed feedback is much better than no feedback. Please just send us what you have got.

We know how super busy your are and really appreciate your time. Thank you in advance

Please submit all photos, videos and feedback by Friday 11th June 2021.

Video and Photographs

Schools are required to produce a whole school video journal of approx. 3 mins to be uploaded to your google folder by Friday 11th June.

Video journals will be showcased at the Online celebration event on Wednesday 23rd June 2021

If you have not been sent a link to your Google file, let us know.

Teacher/Staff Feedback

Please take 15 minutes to complete the google form

Feel free to skip any questions that are not relevant - some feedback is better than none!

It would be lovely to hear from all adults who have supported pupils during the project.

Feedback forms should be completed by Friday 11th June

Pupil Feedback

Pupil feedback is split into 2 parts:

  • Part 1 is a whole class voting activity google form

  • Part 2 is an individual activity giving children a chance to share their experience of the project.

Details about how to complete the feedback can be found below.

Feedback from pupils should be completed by Friday 11th June

Pupil feedback


An overview of your experience.

Whole class pupil feedback

  1. Open the google form (this can be displayed on your whiteboard)

  2. Ask pupils to respond to each question by raising their hands

  3. Record the number of responses for each question (leave blank any answers that are not applicable)

  4. Click the submit button

  5. Responses will be automatically collected

Whole class pupil feedback google form

It will take around 15 mins to complete


Personal voices providing insight

Individual feedback activity

This feedback will provide us with:

  1. Print a copy of the PDF for each pupil.

  2. Talk through how to complete the activities (feel free to share the google slides below with pupils)

  3. It should take 20-30 mins to complete

  4. Scan and upload the PDFs to your google folder

We would love to add extracts from this on our website.

Individual pupil feedback activity PDF

Print a copy of this PDF for each pupil.

Guide to completing pupil feedback

A guide to completing the individual pupil feedback activity

Use this guide to help your pupils complete the feedback activity

Where now?

Go back to details and timescale

Go back to the 4 stages page

Take a look at the Maker{Kit} resources

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