Mighty Microbes

Civil Engineering

Mighty Microbes explores civil engineering in activities designed to develop technical and creative skills whilst learning about the importance of microbes. The skill builder will enable pupils to thread needles and sew a range of stitches. They will use these skills in tinker time to create their own mighty microbe superhero or villain character to help to teach younger children about the characteristics of microbes.


Pupils explore 3 types of microbes and their characteristics: bacteria, viruses and fungi. Pupils will study one microbe and make their own drawing, painting or sculpture.


Pupils use the video tutorial to practise threading a needle and sewing different kinds of stitches.


Pupils will use their sewing skills from the skill builder to create their own mighty microbe superhero or villain character.


Katherine - Civil Engineer

These activity has been inspired by Katherine, a Civil Engineer. To help children better understand what engineering is and what engineers do, it is important that they have the opportunity to meet one (even virtually!) Use this video to introduce a real engineer to your class.


Making Microbes

This activity explores microbes and their characteristics. It focuses on three main types of microbes

  • bacteria

  • viruses

  • fungi

Pupils will study one high quality image of a microbe and make their own

  • drawing

  • painting

  • sculpting

It might be fun to provide pupils with a petri dish to present and photograph their final models, drawings or paintings.

exploration microbes

Exploration Teaching slides

microbes images

Microbes Images

Resources from school

  • copies of microbes images

One or more of the following:

  • Colouring materials

  • Painting materials

  • Playdoh

  • Petri dishes (optional)

How is compost made?

This 6.30 minute video produced by RecycleNow.com explains how compost is made with the help of creatures and microbes!

Can pupils name some of the creatures and microbes shown in the video?


(approx. 0.5 hours)

Use the video to demonstrate how to thread a needle using a needle threading hack and practise different stitches: running stitch, back stitch and over casting.

Resources from Maker{kit}

  • Felt

  • Googly eyes

  • Needles

  • Cotton

  • Pipe cleaners

Resources from school

  • craft supplies

Be an Engineer Volunteer!

Can you help Katherine to make some mighty microbe superhero & supervillain characters?

Make a mighty microbe

Can you help younger children imagine what a microbe looks like it and what characteristics it has by turning it into a superhero or supervillain?

Make a soft toy microbe with real characteristics!

  • What type of microbe will you make?

  • Is it friendly or not?

  • Where would your microbe live?

Take it further?

Can you write a story about your mighty microbe?

Tinker Time Can you make a Mighty Microbe?

Tinker time slides

Use these slides in class to introduce the tinker time project

How to sew a microbe

Use this video to demonstrate to pupils how to sew a microbe toy using felt

Planning Mighty Microbe pupil sheet

Character profile sheet

This sheet can be printed so children can write about their mighty microbes characteristics

Resources from Maker{kit}

  • Felt

  • Googly eyes

  • Needles

  • Cotton

  • Pipe cleaners

Resources from school

  • craft supplies

Feeling stuck, overwhelmed or just have a question?

We understand that there are elements of these projects that may be new to you or that you feel unsure about having a go at. If there are things you are unsure about or want to ask questions, please email Alison Buxton alison.buxton@sheffield.ac.uk so we can support you.

Don't forget to take lots of photos and videos for your show reel to show at our celebration event.

When you have completed your projects - please submit your teacher and pupil feedback forms.

Have fun!

Risk Assessment

RA Mighty Microbes.pdf

Use this risk assessment to support your planning and delivery of the Mighty Microbes project