Frequently Asked Questions

We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions. We will update these throughout the project.

If you have any comments or concerns please contact us

Why have I been asked to complete a pre-project questionnaire?

Maker{Schools} is keen to support you with developing practical learning experiences to enrich the curriculum. To do this we need to initially gather views of teachers participating in the project. Individual views of teachers will not be shared without your consent and you can opt out of any question.

I have missed the introductory sessions, what shall I do?

Don’t worry. Just send us a quick email (alison.buxton@sheffield.ac.uk) and we can arrange a quick chat to get you up to speed.

Can we swap classes from the ones we registered with?

Yes. It is fine to swap which classes can participate in the project.

How many projects does my class need to do?

Just one - although feel free to do more! You can also try some of the bonus activities included in your Maker{Kit} (see the resources page for more details). These are some of our old-favourites quick but super fun (approx. 1 hour)

What equipment do we need?

This really depends on which project you choose. We have designed each project to be completed with basic school equipment in addition to the Maker{Kit} provided. For most projects you will need craft supplies, scrap material (e.g. cardboard), and something to take pictures and/or videos with.

How should we create our 3 minute video for the celebration event?

This can be done in lots of ways from a simple photo reel to animated short film. Video and audio elements can be done with smartphones or tablets and there are plenty of free simple apps to help you to create your video. As always, please contact us if you would like any support with this element of the project.

Can we keep the resources after the project has finished?

Yes. You will have access to the activity site and can keep the Maker{Kit} so you can re-run activities in school after the project has ended.

What if some of the children do not finish their projects?

Don't worry - done is better than perfect! The programme focuses on the process rather than the end result. There is no ranking or measuring of outcomes.