Make a Story Theatre

Structural Engineering

Make a Story explores structural engineering in activities designed to develop skills and knowledge of materials and construction. Pupils will develop cardboard cutting techniques alongside skills of storytelling. The exploration activities will introduce pupils to the magic and power of storytelling whilst the skill builder creates competence in the cardboard cutting skills required to construct a simple theatre. During tinker time, pupils will make their own box theatre complete with background and characters. They will develop their maker mindset by rehearsing, testing and tinkering with their theatre before performing and recording their stories.


Pupils explore storytelling through fairy-tales and create a story that includes a type of transport - real or magical.


Pupils will learn how to make a simple theatre from a cardboard box. A box provides a well engineered structure to house a theatre.


Tinker time allows pupils the opportunity to develop their box theatre to help tell their story. By adding backgrounds, props and characters.


Jo - Structural Engineer

This project has been inspired by Jo, a Structural Engineer. To help children better understand what engineering is and what engineers do, it is important that they have the opportunity to meet one (even virtually!) Use this video to introduce a real engineer to your class.

Exploration storytelling

Can you tell a story?

(approx. 30 mins)

This exploration is split into 2 sections.

The first introduces children to storytelling through fairy-tales.

The second asks children to create a story that includes a type of transport - real or magical.

These activities will support pupils with the final Tinker Time: 'Making stories'

Why is StoryTELLING important?

Take a look at some of the benefits of storytelling ...

Why is storytelling important?
Story box theatre

Make a story box theatre

(approx. 0.5 hours)

Follow the instructions for how to make a story box theatre.

Pupils will practice their cardboard cutting skills that will help them with the Tinker Time project.

How to make it

Use this tutorial to help guide you through the process

Resources from Maker{kit}

  • Cardboard cutter

  • Corks

  • Bamboo skewers

  • Blue tack

Resources from school

  • Cardboard boxes (cereal box or shoebox is ideal)

  • Scissors

  • thin card

  • Craft materials

  • Coloured pens/pencils

  • Glue sticks

Watch this clip to find out how you can be an engineer volunteer!

Be an Engineer Volunteer!

Jo has been set an exciting engineering challenge.

She is very busy and would like some assistance. Can you help?

Can you make a story?

(approx. 2-3 hours)

Use the slides to create a box theatre complete with background and characters.

Pupils could use the stories they created in the Exploration time or develop new ones.

They could also use the story box theatres from the Skill builder as a starting point to tinker with.

Perhaps older pupils could add lights (use the guide to help).

Pupils will need to develop their stories and make their theatres quickly so that they have enough time to tinker! (done is better than perfect)

Maker Cycle make a story

Maker Cycle: Tinker Time box theatre

Use these slides to support the Maker{cycle} process in tinker time

Make it digital (story box theatre)

Extension: Make it digital

This slide gives some tips on how to record your theatre story

Resources from school

  • To make it digital (iPads, tablets, cameras)

  • Craft materials

Make a story (adding lights)

Take it further?

Add lights to your story box theatre - use this google slide to help

Resources from Maker{kit}

  • Adding lights (LEDs, batteries, battery packs, connectors from Light up sparklers activity/light it up)

Feeling stuck, overwhelmed or just have a question?

We understand that there are elements of these projects that may be new to you or that you feel unsure about having a go at. If there are things you are unsure about or want to ask questions, please email Alison Buxton so we can support you.

Don't forget to take lots of photos and videos for your show reel to show at our celebration event.

When you have completed your projects - please submit your teacher and pupil feedback forms.

Have fun!

Risk Assessment

RA Make a Story.pdf

Use this risk assessment to support your planning and delivery of the Make a Story project